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Pretty Girls(Bishoujo)
Pretty Girls (Bishoujo.) Central theme only.
Web NC17
N: 4
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V: 2
L: 4
Cat Cum Comics
Sebastian Laitila,
Last Update: 20030607
First Comic: 20030607

Pages %: 0.002
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, GIF, Lesser Cute, Furry, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Modern Day(Present), House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Finland
Web G
All Wishes
Last Update: 20030422
First Comic: 20010929

Pages %: 0.139
Number of Days: 141
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, JPEG, Cute, Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, TransGender, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), High School, College School, House, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Norway
Description: uh...yeeessssss!
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
L: 1
Altar Girl
Altar Girl

Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020407

Pages %: 0.469
Number of Days: 146
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Religion, Classic Magic, Henshin/Transformation, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, High School, College School, Private School, Dorms
Language: English
Country: Maryland, USA
Description: Catholic schoolgirl + Bishounen + Dead Boy + Twin Angels + Half Demon = 100% GENKI! Or five. I hate math.
Web MA
N: 4
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V: 1
L: 4
Anime Moments in History
Anime Moments in History

John Cable and Candice Johnson,
Last Update: 20030614
First Comic: 20011103

Pages %: 0.289
Number of Days: 128
Comic Style: Single Panel, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Cute, Anime, Anime/Manga, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai)
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: Random anime-related comics. No main characters or settings. No 15 year old female assassins hunting down the man with gray hair who killed her father. No two guys pretending to speak Japanese, talking about how cool video games are. No storylines involving high school, college or elementary school that all end with lame punchlines and puns. No weak foray into serious subject matter. Mostly it's just porn.
Web 14
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L: 2
Another Boring Day
Stephenie Byars,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030410

Pages %: 0.040
Number of Days: 26
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Apartment
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: Updated Thursdays and Sundays. Life in New England with Jackie and his weirdo neighbors.
Web 14
Atamagaokashii : The Insanity of Places
Last Update: 20030609
First Comic: 20030609

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Greyscale, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Henshin/Transformation, High School, College School, Dorms
Language: English
Description: Has shounen-ai, yaoi, and regular couples. Has much comedy and action. It also has romance which is a rarity coming from me. :) That's RIGHT. Boy/Boy love and just regular girl/boy love. Deals with the supernatural. Such as Vampires, demons, and all that good stuff.
Web PG
N: 0
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V: 0
L: 0
lyndon gregorio,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20010527

Pages %: 0.053
Number of Days: 287
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen)
Web G
V: 2
L: 1
Bishoujo Pie
Rebecca McCarthy,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030616

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 8
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Manga, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Henshin/Transformation, Hightech
Language: English
Country: England, UK
Update Frequency: Schedule
Description: An experiment with manga. The story of a girl with super powers who doesn't want to use them. Her best friend who might just have a thing for her. A siz year old manga artist and a cheerleader who lacks motivation.
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L: 2
Liz Munn,
Last Update: 20030512
First Comic: 20021025

Pages %: 0.079
Number of Days: 19
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Hammerspace, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Henshin/Transformation, TransGender, Near Future, High School, House
Language: English
Country: Arizona, USA
Description: When a magical-girl retires, she tries to live her life as normal as possible. Perhaps raise a family and have a daughter to continue her tradition. Unfortunatly, Fate doesn't always work that way.
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
The Blaze Armada
Yukari Hoshiodori,
Last Update: 20030610
First Comic: 20020520

Pages %: 0.008
Number of Days: 102
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Allegorical, SteamPunk, Private School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Description: A shoujo comic about three little girls who set out to become superheroes.
Web G
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V: 2
L: 3
Greg Killion,
Last Update: 20030405
First Comic: 20020404

Pages %: 0.023
Number of Days: 55
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, JPEG, GIF, Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Aliens, Undead, Robots, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Death, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Near Future, Game Travel, College School, Apartment, Dorms, Lowtech
Country: North America
Web 14
blood of the dragon
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020520

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 75
Comic Style: Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Fantasy
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 1
L: 3
The Cape
Last Update: 20030624
First Comic: 20010920

Pages %: 0.014
Number of Days: 67
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Flat Color, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, Lesser Cute, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Modern Day(Present), Travel, Gaming Comic, College School, Lowtech
Country: Nova Scotia, Canada
Description: A group of Canadian goofball friends who all happen to be otaku, and the incredibly stupid things they do.
Web 14
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L: 3
Cascade Failure
Matthew Bett,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20020311

Pages %: 0.047
Number of Days: 46
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Lesser Cute, Comedic
Comic Content: Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Hammerspace, Modern Day(Present), Gaming Comic, College School, Apartment, Hightech
R-Content: Culture - Positive
Country: Scotland, UK
Description: The manga-esque adventures of a bunch of students on a computer games course in Scotland.
Web PG
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L: 0
Rachel Erickson,
Last Update: 20030417
First Comic: 20020123

Pages %: 0.011
Number of Days: 81
Comic Content: Furries, Talking Animals, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Religion, College School, Dorms
Web MA
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V: 2
L: 2
Chaos Overloaded
Adrian aijo,
Last Update: 20030524
First Comic: 20020716

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 50
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Anime, Anime/Manga, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Undead, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), RoomMates, Death, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Modern Day(Present), Gaming Comic, High School, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Australia
Web G
N: 0
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V: 3
L: 2
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030611

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 7
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Death
Language: English
Web 14
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L: 3
Kara Dennison,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010401

Pages %: 0.059
Number of Days: 221
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, CG - Flat Color, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Anime, Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Modern Day(Present), College School, Apartment, Dorms
Language: English
Country: Virginia, USA
Description: When jealous otaku try to bend anime conventions to their will by becoming Inexplicable Con Personalities, Emmy Nozomy steps in to set them straight ... or at least stop them making fools of themselves.
Web 14
CST Girl: The life of one girl at NAIT
Last Update: 20030621
First Comic: 20030618
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Animals, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), College School, House, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Alberta, Canada
Description: This is all based on my experiences at NAIT as a computer systems technology student and life from then on. One girls struggle with boys, homework, C++, work, and the way life began to change when she went to college.
Web 14
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L: 3
Neil Purcell,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020414

Pages %: 0.050
Number of Days: 62
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Psychosis, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Relationships (Renai or ai), Engineer, Scientist, Near Future, Office, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: No sprites! Just the delightfully wonderful superhero comic girlie goodness that you've grown to love. Drawn by hand and full of action. Features the title character, her goofy friend Parker, and a megalomaniacal supervillain extermination squad!
Web 14
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L: 2
Daze in a Haze
Kendrian & WolfBoy,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20020608

Pages %: 0.008
Number of Days: 102
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Comedic
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Engineer, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Modern Day(Present), Support, College School, Dorms
Description: Come for the Insanity, stay for the Angst!
Web 14
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L: 1
Wen Huang,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20010301

Pages %: 0.016
Number of Days: 115
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Modern Day(Present), Near Future
Language: English
Description: Life as a rather poor 18 year old bouncer struggling to get into college was never meant to be easy. And with the new turn of events - a girl armed with magical powders, a (somewhat thick) swordsman, daemons, a gun-wielding scientist and her mysterious assistant (oh my!), life for Heiko is only bound to get more...interesting.
Web MA
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L: 3
Destruction's Daughter
Dondi Ratliff,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030604

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 5
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy, Medival, No tech
Language: English
Country: Texas, USA
Web MA
N: 3
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V: 3
L: 1
Fugli Troll,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20001101

Pages %: 0.190
Number of Days: 164
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Page, CGI - 3D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, Realistic, Gag Comic, Epic
Comic Content: Elves, Fairies, Fourth Wall Breaching, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), RoomMates, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy, Medival, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, RPG Game
Language: English
Country: Oklahoma, USA
Description: DeVia Dirkdancer's delving into the heart of the table top adventurer.
Web MA
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L: 3
The Devils Panties
Jennie A. Breeden,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20011008

Pages %: 1.836
Number of Days: 480
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Evil protagonists(main characters), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), Retail, Job-hunter, Elementary School, College School, House, Apartment
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: The psychotic ravings of a violent undersexed feminist and her amazon of an ambiguously heterosexual sidekick studmisstress.
Web 14
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L: 3
Directionless Muses
Cliodhna Glen,
Last Update: 20030618
First Comic: 20030618
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Fantasy
Language: English
Country: Wisconsin, USA
Update Frequency: Wednesday, Saturday, Schedule
Web PG
N: 0
S: 0
V: 3
L: 0
Dream Like Destiny
Brittany Heiner,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20020228

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 10
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Elves, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, College School, Apartment
Language: English
Country: Arizona, USA
Description: Four college kids discover they are characters in a battle for the world they visit in their dreams--but how will their dreams impact their destiny?
Web 14
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L: 2
Dueling Planets
Jacob Grove,
Last Update: 20030514
First Comic: 20020211

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 59
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga, Drama
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Magic Powers, Future, High School
Language: English
Country: Ohio, USA
Description: There is a war in space, yet it doesn't affect most people of the Duel Planets. However, two girls find out how they have to get involved...
Web PG
N: 2
S: 1
L: 1
Eclipse 16
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030615

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 7
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Infinite Canvas, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Robots, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Morphing, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Travel
Country: Canada
Description: World War Three has come and gone, and with it so have Operation Sunrise and Operation Eclipse; both were genetic experimentations created to win the war, and one to combat the other. The products of Sunrise and Eclipse were the Titans - human beings with the ability to manipulate the Elements. But neither operation was successful, as the Titans destroyed each other, and in the end WWIII was halted by the deployment of humanity's nuclear weapons... Now, in post-apocalyptic Neo-Earth, which has become a patchwork of highly technological cities and medieval colonies, the Titans have been reborn. And with the Titan of Chaos, created in the ages-gone Operation Eclipse, the same Hatred that destroyed the Titans of Old begins to boil once more. Gin Maranwe of the Hyandae en' Luhta Tribe has seen all of this in fleeting images in her dreams, and now sets out as the newly-reborn Titan of Air to combat the eternally-angry Titan of Chaos that has haunted her sleep for so long...
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 3
Element's Song
Allie Manydeeds,
Last Update: 20030609
First Comic: 20010512

Pages %: 0.129
Number of Days: 439
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, God/Demi-god, Undead, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Modern Day(Present), Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Job-hunter, House
Language: English
Country: Colorado, USA
Web MA
N: 2
S: 1
V: 4
L: 2
Elemental Fate
Seph Guardado,
Last Update: 20030612
First Comic: 20020202

Pages %: 0.028
Number of Days: 54
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Monsters, Elves, God/Demi-god, Demons, Ghosts, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Religion, Death, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Medival, No tech
Language: English
Country: California, USA
Description: An online manga, Magic, swords, and Fate. Do you believe in Fate?
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L: 3
The Elven: Exploration
Scott Lawrence,
Last Update: 20030615
First Comic: 20011003

Pages %: 0.014
Number of Days: 107
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Epic
Comic Content: Elves, Fairies, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Classic Magic, Fantasy, Travel
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: The Elven: Exploration, fantasy comic about 14 explorers on a new continent. Romance, violence, some adult content.
Emily Kuznia,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020701

Pages %: 0.086
Number of Days: 86
Comic Style: Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Monsters, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy
Language: English
Description: A fantasy comic about a group of criminals led by a werewolf, as they travel through a strange magic world.
Web MA
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V: 3
L: 3
Femme Fatale
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020220
Number of Days: 212
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, Realistic, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Future, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Update Frequency: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Schedule
Web G
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
Elizabeth Tompkins,
Last Update: 20030619
First Comic: 20030604

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 16
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Simple, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Demons, Ghosts, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Fundamentalist, Religion, Mechanic, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Game Travel, Office, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Alabama, USA
Description: A fun little comic about the goddess of the galaxy. Yep you heard right the Goddess of the galaxy. But it awalys wasn't that way. Meet the nutcase behind the Jewel and the talking tiger with a bad attitude problem -.- *note please don't complain about lack of furries or whatever just yet.. I need to build up the plot line but they will be here.
Web 14
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L: 3
Geebas on Parade
Jennie A Breeden,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20020522

Pages %: 0.234
Number of Days: 168
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Page, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, Undead, Ghosts, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Evil protagonists(main characters), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Fantasy, Medival, Modern Day(Present), Gaming Comic, In a Game, RPG Game
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: A feminists adventures in Live Action Role Playing.
Web G
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V: 0
L: 0
Ghosts Hunters Comic Strips
Eunice P.,
Last Update: 20030614
First Comic: 20030324
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Religion, Death, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, Fantasy, SteamPunk, World of Ruin, RPG Game, Lowtech, Mechanical
Language: English, Chinese(Simplified)
Country: Asia
Description: Ghost Hunters Comic Strips are based on the original Ghost Hunters Online Manga by the same author, Eunice P..
Web G
The Guardians of Mundus
MR and MY Khaw,
Last Update: 20030619
First Comic: 20030619

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Hand Drawn Image, Anime, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Elves, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Fantasy
Language: English
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 2
Gui Shin Tae Chi (AKA Ghost Hunter)
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020527

Pages %: 0.120
Number of Days: 89
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Two-tone, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Ghosts, Single Visiblity, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Death, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Retail, High School, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Korea (South)
Update Frequency: Tuesday, Friday
Description: A comic where people kick or attempt to kick ghost's butts.. Set in S. Korea. ^^ (KOREAN PRIDE!!)
Web 14
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S: 2
Haato no Kagami
Chibi Alex,
Last Update: 20030620
First Comic: 20021029

Pages %: 0.020
Number of Days: 13
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Lesser Cute, Manga, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Magic Powers, TransGender, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, High School, No tech
Language: English
Country: Norway
Description: Current story: Haato no Kagami- An angel falls to earth bring her problem with her.
Web MA
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S: 3
V: 1
Holding Down the Couch
David Marchand,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20011031

Pages %: 0.141
Number of Days: 170
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, CG - Full shading, Comedic
Comic Content: Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Mechanic, Engineer, Modern Day(Present), Apartment
Country: Massachusetts, USA
Description: Girls, Geeks, Games, Life... Who said it was easy? Holding Down the Couch - Trying to find the balance between geek and a social life...
Web MA
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L: 4
I talk to the wind
Nir Matarasso,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030620
Number of Days: 6
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG
Comic Content: Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Evil protagonists(main characters), RoomMates, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Homeless, House, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Israel
Update Frequency: Sunday
Web G
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V: 4
L: 3
in black and white (and greyscale.)
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Infinite Canvas, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, SWF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Simple, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Fundamentalist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Hightech, Lowtech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Singapore
Description: Looking for webmanga related to the community? Then in black and white (and greyscale) is your refuge! Ivienne (Matteo) deMeanour is your typical Mage. A High Mage to be exact. She then realizes her godliness, and she is supposed to lead a guild called The League of Gods and Deities, as commanded by God! Watch her go through a series of events and dilemma as she tries so hard to live a life that has a big difference.
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L: 2
Jane Kennedy PI
Last Update: 20030626
First Comic: 20020529

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 19
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, GIF, Realistic, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), RoomMates, Death, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Future, Post-Civilization, Job-hunter, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: England, UK
Update Frequency: Sunday, Thursday, Schedule
Web PG
N: 0
L: 0
Just Weird
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20011106

Pages %: 0.012
Number of Days: 152
Comic Style: Hand Drawn Image, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Monsters, Elves, Undead, Demons, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Fantasy, Game Travel, Gaming Comic, RPG Game, High School, House, Apartment, Dorms, Hightech
Country: Ontario, Canada
Description: have you ever just sat down and thought, man, life's just.. just weird! well, ya! us to. Girls, Games, and the occasional overclocking is all what life is about. Even if it dosnt make any sense.
Web MA
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L: 4
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030512

Pages %: 0.408
Number of Days: 305
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Monsters, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Religion, Death, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, TransGender, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Travel, Parallel Travel, Homeless
Language: English
Web 14
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L: 3
Karma Slave
lyn straine,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20010529

Pages %: 0.057
Number of Days: 129
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Color, Lesser Cute, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Magic Powers, Morphing, TransGender, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel
R-Content: Culture - Promotion
Description: Kuruma, watcher of the dharma wheels, is assigned to the task of watching over errant soul Sattva by his creator, Yamari. Unfortunately, Yamari is not as benevolent as he seems, Kuruma has no social skills, Sattva is naive AND violent, and a murderer with a monocle and a strange secretary is hunting Yamari down. A spiritual journey, gone wrong.
Web G
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Kiss the Girls
Last Update: 20030410
First Comic: 20030318

Pages %: 0.006
Number of Days: 3
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Animals, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Modern Day(Present), Job-hunter, High School, College School, Apartment, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Oregon, USA
Description: Kiss the Girls is about family, friends, relationships, and all the turmoil and happiness you can get from them.
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L: 3
Literally Speaking
Emmett A Hamilton III,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20010905

Pages %: 0.065
Number of Days: 144
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Drama
Comic Content: Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Single Visiblity, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), College School, Apartment, Dorms, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: North America
Web PG
N: 1
S: 2
V: 2
L: 2
Little Mistakes
Last Update: 20030521
First Comic: 20020804

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 46
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Henshin/Transformation, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), High School, House
Language: English
Description: Just your average passing fad: girls, glam, guitars...oh yeah, and magic powers. Jade Hart is the lead singer, bassist, and founder of the new hit band Little Mistakes. Her bandmates and friends Amber, Faith, and Dia are all at completely different ends of the spectrum: Dia's a bisexual anarchist atheist drummer, Amber's a pretty popular prima donna who plays guitar like a demon, Faith's as sweet and innocent as her name implies, and Jade's a sarcastic cheerful ball of energy with a tendency to lose interest in everything the minute something new and different comes along. With that combination, school, a smash hit debut album, and a mysterious card game that everyone seems to be into, things can get pretty interesting...
Web PG
Lunar Dream
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Cursed, Fantasy, Future, Time Travel, Homeless, Lowtech
Language: English, Polish
Country: Poland
Description: Imagine that world was created on giant sleeping dragon... What if dragon wants to wake up?
Web G
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V: 2
L: 1
If I See You In My Dreams...
M´M Factory,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030615

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Death, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Sports, Job-hunter, Elementary School, High School, Private School, House, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English, Spanish
Country: Argentina
Description: This comic is about a group of friends living inside their high school´s dorms! One day new interchange students come to the school and their lives turn into a comedy:D!!!!!!! (this comic has two authors, so maybe the style varies a little bit;) if you want tho read this comic in spanish, mail us;)
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Magus Ferox
Jennifer Ruebel,
Last Update: 20030520
First Comic: 20020714

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 31
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Religion, Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, SteamPunk, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Travel, No tech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Magus Ferox follows the adventures of a man who is part of a post-apocalyptic world where science and technology is forbidden and magic is being rediscovered. As the decendant of genetically enhanced soldiers from the technological age (Hybrids), Thalian is scorned by humanity, yet he cannot connect with those who are like him because there is no one left who remembers what the Hybrids truly are. Thalian's search for answers to the mystery of his past sets the wheels of Fate in motion and becomes a mission to save the world of Obarien from complete annihilation. "Our very existance warrants the oblivion of our entire universe..."
Web 14
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L: 2
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030614
Number of Days: 15
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Infinite Canvas, Visual Novel, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comic Book, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Demons, Single Visiblity, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, SteamPunk, Future, World of Ruin, Space-faring, Space Travel, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: A story too wild for words. Between all the love triangles, destruction, and chaos there is possiblility that there is something called "normal". The year is 4021. The Earth's humans are gone. The only who survived 18 years ago were those who were away from the Earth. Those collective of a thousand people on building constructions on the planets had figured the Earth to be gone after the "Peace Bringers" arrived. But when one man questions the seemingly obvious, he finds himself in a not so quite normal situation.
Web PG
N: 1
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V: 3
L: 1
Srdjan Achimovich,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20011106

Pages %: 0.016
Number of Days: 558
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, Two-tone, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Animals, Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Evil protagonists(main characters), Engineer, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Modern Day(Present), Retail, College School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Yugoslavia
Update Frequency: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Description: Read it and never eat hamburgers again. Humor, workplace, college, drama, SF, adventure, yes, I did manage to put all that in one!
Web PG
S: 1
V: 3
L: 1
metal cage
Isabelle Khuu,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030612

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, Cute, Lesser Cute, Manga
Comic Content: Monsters, Demons, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Modern Day(Present), Apartment, Hightech
Language: English, French
Country: North America
Web PG
N: 1
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V: 3
L: 1
The Misadventures of Okk
Brian Raddatz,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010601

Pages %: 0.020
Number of Days: 109
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Psychosis, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Classic Magic, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Hightech
Language: English
Country: Oregon, USA
Description: In a time of darkness, when the world is on the brink of destruction, a mighty hero shall appear... Not Okk....
Web PG
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S: 0
V: 2
L: 4
My Life Their Life and Teens of the Afterlife
Geela Rosvold,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030612

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 8
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga, Gag Comic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Cursed, Fantasy, Apartment, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Canada
Description: updates everyday one week mltl and one week tota and so on My life Their Life Just some crappie drawings cause this is my first comic I did. There are three girls and three boys there isn't really any story to it it's just something I made up cause I was bored it's funny though or so the people who have read it has laughed it's a manga comic. The main charater is named Josh. He get anoyed by a really preppy boy and me who likes to do mean things to him heh heh heh. He like a girl named Lora and he has a sister named Tina. His best friend Mack and Anthony the anoying pain. I don't know what else to say Teens of the Afterlife this contains angel devil thing a love story five charters three boys and two girls May(the main charater) Carb(the other main charater) Mark(Carbs friend) Nancy(the ditz, May's friend) Angel(has a crush on may) This about two teens who died in different ways on who died from cancer and the other in a car accident that was a practical joke go wrong. One in heaven one in Hell to become the warriors for saitan and God to fight in the was that will be happening. they meet at a club and fall in love but god is not to happy about it. and so on. to tell u the trueth it's kind of screwed up
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L: 3
My Twisted Life
Last Update: 20030608
First Comic: 20030608

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Religion, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, High School, Private School, House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: United States
Web G
N: 2
S: 1
V: 2
L: 1
Mythos Zoion
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030109

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Elves, God/Demi-god, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), RoomMates, Mechanic, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, SteamPunk, No tech
Language: English
Country: Egypt
Web MA
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S: 4
V: 2
L: 3
Glych's Experiment
glych or amber,
Last Update: 20030626
First Comic: 20010124

Pages %: 0.085
Number of Days: 351
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Realistic, Cartoon, Comic Book, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Relationships (Renai or ai), Allegorical, Death, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, College School
Language: English
Country: North America
Update Frequency: Random
Description: Wackiness....that's right, I said WACKINESS!
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L: 2
One Hour Axis
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20000101

Pages %: 0.041
Number of Days: 446
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Visual Novel, Greyscale, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), Mechanic, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Future, Space-faring, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Hightech
Language: English
Country: United States
Update Frequency: Monday, Friday, Schedule
Description: In the mathmatical center of Hyperspace and Chronospace is the planet Karu; a huge world with hundreds of portals where creatures of any place and time can switch over. Think the mega intergalactic grand central station. But...on a world like this, in one hour's turning, all hell can break loose. When one alien femme lands on this planet, the strange factor is upped and the lives of the elves and other creatures there will never be the same. But in a good way...
Web MA
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L: 4
Post Sex Clean Up
Melissa Prosser,
Last Update: 20030621
First Comic: 20010309

Pages %: 0.819
Number of Days: 88
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Realistic, Manga, Drama
Comic Content: Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Management, Hightech
R-Content: Culture - Positive
Description: A story of a girl who opens a fetish shop in her small town along with her friend, and their (mis)adventures in love, life, and sex. ~Warning, Manga/anime style, contains Hentai themes!~
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L: 2
Queens Court
Jennifer Hoffman,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030615

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 6
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Two-tone, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Modern Day(Present), Job-hunter, High School, College School, Apartment, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Pennsylvania, USA
Update Frequency: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Schedule
Description: Queens and their minions adventuring out in the harsh reality of... REALITY! And we ain't talking about medieval queens, honey, oh no. Updated Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and.... at random whenever I feel like updating it.
Web PG
N: 1
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V: 2
L: 3
Roxy: Comic Book Superhero
Kiru Banzai,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20020529

Pages %: 0.006
Number of Days: 9
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Realistic, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Gag Comic, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Elves, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Classic Magic, Morphing, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), High School
Language: English
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 3
L: 1
Rules of Make Believe
Rules of Make Believe

Miss Ju,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20020603

Pages %: 0.469
Number of Days: 103
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Near Future, Game Travel, In a Game, College School, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Description: Two not-so ordinary girls and their involvement with Extreme Digital Entertainment in a cyber-punkish setting. From the gang-infested gaming hells of The Harlot to the illegal VR testing pods under the city, Make-Belief is not child's play anymore.
Web PG
N: 0
Sanitarium 3
John Max & Ryan McFarland,
Last Update: 20030616
First Comic: 20020719

Pages %: 0.023
Number of Days: 47
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Anime/Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Near Future, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Japan
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L: 3

space coyote,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20020201

Pages %: 1.182
Number of Days: 145
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Animals, Aliens, Elves, Robots, Androids, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Future, Hightech
Update Frequency: Sunday, Wednesday, Schedule
Description: saturnalia: The reverse of social order -- when slaves give orders to their masters. Chaos. A comedy sci-fi manga with action, drama, philosophy, crazy bishounen, a bastard protagonist, and a guy who wears pieces of his dead dog! ......Just try it.
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L: 2
The Sense of Sanity
Vincent Schuerholz,
Last Update: 20030602
First Comic: 20010403

Pages %: 0.004
Number of Days: 36
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Undead, Single Visiblity, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Religion, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Modern Day(Present), House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Maryland, USA
Description: A Young Artist is about to find the sense of sanity as he spends a summer trapped in a Beach House with all the people he was trying to avoid.
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Somber Midnights
Lisa Norton,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030520

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 12
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Drama
Comic Content: Undead, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, SteamPunk, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Canada
Update Frequency: Random
Description: Ebony, Tarak, Conley, Ally, and Kat lead rather interesting and supernatural lives. Random things happen, and answers are always sought. Angst is abound, with only faint glimmers of hope.
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L: 0
Yasmin Saaka,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030221

Pages %: 0.105
Number of Days: 31
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, JPEG, Manga, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Demons, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai)
Language: English
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 2
Tasoli on Rice
Krisanna McKellar,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20020522

Pages %: 0.009
Number of Days: 30
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, Parallel Travel
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Yaoumei turned half beast finds herself in a strange new land of the likes she's seen before with only the help of one friend by her side. Will she be able to remove herself from this land of dragons and magic and return to her normal body? Time will tell as your dive into Tasoli on Rice...
Web PG
N: 0
S: 0
V: 2
L: 1
Tsunami Channel
Akira Hasegawa,
Last Update: 20030626
First Comic: 20010722

Pages %: 2.822
Number of Days: 555
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Demons, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), High School, College School, Private School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Japan
Web MA
N: 1
S: 2
V: 3
L: 3
Turn Me On
Jessica Lynn Hale,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020301

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 29
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Mechanic, Scientist, Henshin/Transformation, TransGender, College School, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Update Frequency: Friday, Schedule
Description: A story about a boy who lives in a frat house run by his older brother, robots, world domination from an underground empire, and perversion.
Web 14
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
L: 2
Unstable Mana
Blair Beauchesne,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030625

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, Cartoon
Comic Content: Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Robots, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Morphing, Fantasy, Near Future, High School, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Ontario, Canada
Description: Unstable Mana is a comic, about a normal group of high school students. Twist is, the characters are normal atleast in the setting, the high school isn't. In this high school, minotaurs shove people into lockers. And other fantasy races are a normal sight. Of course since the the cast are mostly human, or super human, they get into some crazy situations.
Web MA
Masurao Hoshihito - Taiga Tanima,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20011203

Pages %: 0.027
Number of Days: 81
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Simple, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), RoomMates, Mechanic, Scientist, Hammerspace, Morphing, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Alberta, Canada
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 3
L: 1
Justin Pearce,
Last Update: 20030606
First Comic: 20010706

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 67
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Anime
Comic Content: Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Robots, Androids, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Modern Day(Present), Game Travel, Hightech
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: Web Marines: keeping y0r box safe, one site at a time...
Web 14
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
L: 0
L. G.,
Last Update: 20030516
First Comic: 20030228

Pages %: 0.073
Number of Days: 14
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, GIF, Cute, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Evil protagonists(main characters), RoomMates, House
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: Three sexy college drop-outs face the big bad world together. Funny shit happens. Full-color comics M/W/F.
Web MA
N: 3
S: 3
L: 3
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20020420

Pages %: 0.177
Number of Days: 131
Comic Style: Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Elves, Demons, Robots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy, Space Travel, Hightech
Description: A cyborg warrior from Earth on a faraway planet filled with were-creatures travels across this rich fantasy world with three lycanthropic babes. Sand Cat,,Gazelle,and Dragon. Each with their own mission. Love,humor,hardship,fun,and ACTION!
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
L: 1
wLCD, a.k.a. Lowest Common Denominator
Bryan M. Richter,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 19970624

Pages %: 0.141
Number of Days: 152
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, GIF, Comic Strip, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Modern Day(Present), Office
Language: English
Country: Oklahoma, USA
Description: wLCD, a.k.a. Lowest Common Denominator focuses, on three female reporters at a local television station in small-town Oklahoma. They face constant challenges on the job, including finding good stories in the area, finding new ways to boost ratings, and bracing for an impending change in station management.
Number of Comics on this page: 80/80 out of 8764 on KeenSpace
This page updated at 2003-06-29 9:01:04