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A comic that features characters that characters that have some physical animal traits (eyes,ears,nose,tail,etc) but isn't a complete furry. At least one main character.
Arnie Gatton Gallery of Comics
Arnie Gatton,
Last Update: 20030515
First Comic: 20020523

Pages %: 0.014
Number of Days: 101
Comic Style: Single Panel, GIF, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Undead, Ghosts, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Modern Day(Present), Near Future
Language: English
Country: Iowa, USA
Description: Right now 'A Gallery of Comics' is mostly a gag panel cartoon, touching on various subjects. I plan on using theme weeks, such as one week the comic may be based on fast food humor, another week it might introduce a comic strip, and of course some weeks it might hit a varity of subjects. My suggestion is to read it, and have fun with it.;)
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 3
Absolutely Pointless
Evan Jensen & Megan Mcbride,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20020209

Pages %: 0.027
Number of Days: 45
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Animals, Demons, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Morphing, Near Future, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Maryland, USA
Update Frequency: Thursday
Description: An insane group of apartment neighbors, one werewolf, one werecat, two gay men, an anthro wolf and a few catgirls for good measure, a demon and an elf.
Web G
N: 0
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V: 2
L: 0
Adams Road Gang
Will White,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020303

Pages %: 0.035
Number of Days: 109
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Cartoon
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Aliens, Demons, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek, Hammerspace, Apartment
Language: English
Country: Kentucky, USA
Update Frequency: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Description: ARG! It's Adam's Road Gang. What does that mean? It doesn't matter, it's just funny.
Web MA
N: 3
S: 4
V: 3
L: 3
The Adventures of Milea
Michael Prokop,
Last Update: 20030624
First Comic: 20020521

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 31
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Aliens, Androids, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Future, Space-faring, Space Travel
Language: English
Country: California, USA
Description: Milea: Once an intellignece operative for an alien navy, she is now the Alliance's top spy. Follow her adventures as she works to keep the galaxy safe from the designs of alien armadas, pan-dimensional super-beings, and maniacal mad-man bent on universal armageddon!...... and yeah, I guess you couls say it is a furry manga, too.
Web G
All Wishes
Last Update: 20030422
First Comic: 20010929

Pages %: 0.139
Number of Days: 141
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, JPEG, Cute, Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, TransGender, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), High School, College School, House, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Norway
Description: uh...yeeessssss!
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
L: 3
Amhelaki misadventures
Corina Becker,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030619

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 9
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Elves, Demons, Ghosts, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Future, Travel, High School, College School, Private School, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: Meet Kithara the Felinean, and Katiri the Elf, two nice girls with the tendency to get into trouble... and happen to be the only one's that can save the world from totally destruction. Have a nice day!
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 2
Anti feline
Last Update: 20030615
First Comic: 20020710

Pages %: 0.011
Number of Days: 75
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, Anime, Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, High School
Language: English
Country: Oregon, USA
Description: Because life sucks and then you die.
Web PG
N: 0
S: 0
V: 3
L: 3
Bad Friday
August DuMonte,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020930

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 5
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Demons, Paranoid, Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Religion, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Morphing, Future, Space-faring, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Japan
Web G
N: 1
S: 0
V: 0
L: 0
Better Mousetrap
Kelly Berger,
Last Update: 20030507
First Comic: 20000909

Pages %: 0.009
Number of Days: 157
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Hand Drawn Color, JPEG, Comic Strip, Furry
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Geek, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Modern Day(Present), College School
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: The daily life of a group of rather odd college students...who just happen to be portrayed as animals.
Web G
V: 2
L: 1
Bishoujo Pie
Rebecca McCarthy,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030616

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 8
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Manga, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Henshin/Transformation, Hightech
Language: English
Country: England, UK
Update Frequency: Schedule
Description: An experiment with manga. The story of a girl with super powers who doesn't want to use them. Her best friend who might just have a thing for her. A siz year old manga artist and a cheerleader who lacks motivation.
Web MA
N: 2
S: 3
V: 3
L: 3
Denise Ward,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Anime, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Cursed, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Future, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: England, UK
Update Frequency: Random
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
L: 1
Scott Harper,
Last Update: 20030603
First Comic: 20021022

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 9
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Comic Strip, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Idiots, Geek, RoomMates, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), Job-hunter, College School, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Colorado, USA
Description: The farcical story of a young man going through his college-ish years in a relatively not normal world. I hope you all enjoy it. The more feedback I get, the more likely I'll update it more often.
Web 14
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L: 3
Captain Greyhound
Last Update: 20030614
First Comic: 20020130

Pages %: 0.032
Number of Days: 216
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Apartment
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Description: the adventures of two superheroes, a cynic, a rather camp yaoi magnet, a non-evil genius and the villians that dislike them.
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 3
Case Sensitive
Gray Wolf,
Last Update: 20030505
First Comic: 20020211

Pages %: 0.006
Number of Days: 21
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, CG - Full shading, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, Cartoon, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Medival, World of Ruin, Travel, Game Travel, In a Game, Lowtech
Country: North America
Web MA
N: 4
S: 4
V: 4
L: 2
The Chaos Catwomen
Hobart Starr,
Last Update: 20030401
First Comic: 20020814

Pages %: 0.018
Number of Days: 34
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Infinite Canvas, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Furry
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Evil protagonists(main characters), Scientist, Magic Powers, Future, Space-faring
Language: English
Country: Alabama, USA
Description: Catwomen hire themselves out to evil scientist to defeat superheroes.
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 0
Chikara Shoryoko
Last Update: 20030606
First Comic: 20020812

Pages %: 0.002
Number of Days: 40
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, High School, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Web NC17
N: 2
S: 4
V: 2
L: 3
Citrus House
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20021014

Pages %: 0.024
Number of Days: 35
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Hand Drawn Image, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Travel, Office, House, Hightech
Country: United Kingdom
Web PG
V: 2
L: 2
Clearly a waste of time
Steve de Niese,
Last Update: 20030618
First Comic: 20030612

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 3
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, God/Demi-god, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Paranoid, Evil protagonists(main characters)
Language: English
Country: Australia
Description: Soon you will know all there is to know...
Web NC17
N: 4
S: 4
V: 3
L: 3
The Corruption of Ted
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20000219

Pages %: 0.112
Number of Days: 150
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Aliens, Robots, Psychosis, Paranoid, Geek, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Allegorical, Religion, Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Future, Post-Civilization, Space-faring, Space Travel, High School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: The conspiracy is real... Ted's world is an illusion, generated by superior aliens... and he's worrying about being a virgin. Welcome to The Corruption of Ted.
Web 14
N: 3
S: 1
V: 3
L: 3
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20030625

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 3D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Aliens, Robots, Androids, Fantasy, Future, Space-faring, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Update Frequency: Sunday, Random
Description: Ok, the plan is this; the main character (Me-ish) get pulled through time and dumped way into the future, just y'know, as you do. Anyhoo, he goes about, building a life and the story follows him, that's the plan anyway. Ever read the book 'of mice and men'...?
Web MA
N: 0
S: 1
V: 2
L: 2
Last Update: 20030626
First Comic: 20030626
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Page, CG - Full shading, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Aliens, Undead, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Geek, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), Retail, College School, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Tennessee, USA
Web G
N: 0
S: 1
V: 2
L: 1
Dead Muse
Kat and the Floof,
Last Update: 20030616
First Comic: 20030613

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Paranoid, Geek, Morphing, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, High School, House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Delaware, USA
Description: No ideas? Life mostly dull and eventless? Neko living with you? Yeah...welcome to Dead Muse.
Web MA
N: 1
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V: 2
L: 3
Demonic Boppu
Michelle Thompson,
Last Update: 20030601
First Comic: 20010913

Pages %: 0.085
Number of Days: 229
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, Lesser Cute, Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Demons, Idiots, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Travel, House, Hightech
R-Content: Culture - Neutral
Web G
N: 0
S: 0
V: 2
L: 1
Raptor Wolf Chick,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20021029

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 11
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Furry, Gag Comic, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Death, Engineer, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Space Travel, Game Travel, Job-hunter, Elementary School, High School, House, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Louisiana, USA
Description: Random Ramblings and pics from me!!!!
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 3
Directionless Muses
Cliodhna Glen,
Last Update: 20030618
First Comic: 20030618
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Fantasy
Language: English
Country: Wisconsin, USA
Update Frequency: Wednesday, Saturday, Schedule
Web G
N: 0
S: 3
V: 2
L: 0
Dog Days
Last Update: 20030614
First Comic: 20020101

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 368
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Two-tone, GIF, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, House
Country: England, UK
Web PG
N: 2
S: 1
L: 1
Eclipse 16
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030615

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 7
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Infinite Canvas, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Robots, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Morphing, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Travel
Country: Canada
Description: World War Three has come and gone, and with it so have Operation Sunrise and Operation Eclipse; both were genetic experimentations created to win the war, and one to combat the other. The products of Sunrise and Eclipse were the Titans - human beings with the ability to manipulate the Elements. But neither operation was successful, as the Titans destroyed each other, and in the end WWIII was halted by the deployment of humanity's nuclear weapons... Now, in post-apocalyptic Neo-Earth, which has become a patchwork of highly technological cities and medieval colonies, the Titans have been reborn. And with the Titan of Chaos, created in the ages-gone Operation Eclipse, the same Hatred that destroyed the Titans of Old begins to boil once more. Gin Maranwe of the Hyandae en' Luhta Tribe has seen all of this in fleeting images in her dreams, and now sets out as the newly-reborn Titan of Air to combat the eternally-angry Titan of Chaos that has haunted her sleep for so long...
Web MA
N: 4
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V: 4
L: 3
Enlightenment City Police Department
Jim Taylor,
Last Update: 20030401
First Comic: 20020107

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 68
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Comic Strip, Furry, Drama
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals
Language: English
Country: Alabama, USA
Description: Detectives solve crimes and catch criminals on the cold streets of Enlightenment City.
Emily Kuznia,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020701

Pages %: 0.086
Number of Days: 86
Comic Style: Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Monsters, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy
Language: English
Description: A fantasy comic about a group of criminals led by a werewolf, as they travel through a strange magic world.
Web PG
N: 2
S: 3
V: 2
L: 3
The Fantastical Bestiary
Michael Rosen,
Last Update: 20030520
First Comic: 20001220

Pages %: 0.061
Number of Days: 740
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Comic Strip, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Simple, Gag Comic, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), RoomMates, Fantasy, Medival, College School, Dorms
Language: English
Description: No anime, no furries, no sprites, no jokes about life in a comic strip, no witty dialogue, no quality artwork, no discernable purpose. So what do we offer? Liquid squid and the occasional visit by eveyone's favorite pair of incestuously gay child-murdering cannibals!
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
L: 2
J. Harper,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030610

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 9
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Idiots, Relationships (Renai or ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Fantasy, Travel, Game Travel, In a Game, RPG Game, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Ontario, Canada
Description: Join Galad, Keffria, and the rest of The Party as they embark on a series of random events that will eventually link to form a complex, character-driven story. Currently updating M-W-F, often with extremely opinionated rants by the author.
Web MA
N: 4
S: 4
V: 4
L: 4
FLEM Comics
FLEM Comics

J. Grant,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 19990301

Pages %: 1.825
Number of Days: 940
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Greyscale, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Comic Book, Furry, Simple, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Allegorical, Fundamentalist, Religion, Patriotic, Death, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Space-faring, Gaming Comic
Language: English
Country: Syria
Description: I'm currently tooling with this site like a mothafucka. Will update this when I decide what all to do with it.
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 2
From The Margin
Kevin Levy,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030610

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 3D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Cursed, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Future, Space-faring, Space Travel, Private School, Homeless, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Texas, USA
Web G
N: 1
S: 1
V: 2
Elizabeth Tompkins,
Last Update: 20030619
First Comic: 20030604

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 16
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Simple, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Demons, Ghosts, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Fundamentalist, Religion, Mechanic, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Game Travel, Office, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Alabama, USA
Description: A fun little comic about the goddess of the galaxy. Yep you heard right the Goddess of the galaxy. But it awalys wasn't that way. Meet the nutcase behind the Jewel and the talking tiger with a bad attitude problem -.- *note please don't complain about lack of furries or whatever just yet.. I need to build up the plot line but they will be here.
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 2
Gemini Bright
Last Update: 20030604
First Comic: 20030430

Pages %: 0.009
Number of Days: 15
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, GIF, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, Undead, Relationships (Renai or ai), Mechanic, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Post-Civilization, Travel, Parallel Travel, High School, Homeless, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Where would you put a dangerous magical artifact that could alter the history of two worlds? Why in a tourist trap just off the Strip of Las Vegas of course! When it falls into the hands of Matt, a rebellious teen without a clue, the fate of two dimensions is suddenly set precariously on his shoulders, and that of his kind-hearted but long suffering companion, Shira, a girl who happens to be a princess and one-quarter dragon. Along with Shira’s hyperactive little brother, a laconic food-obsessed tiger man, and a grouchy talking Esquilax, the group has to set off on a quest to find a way to get Matt home (alive), find the lost human prince, stop the war between the races, save Sorian from the hands of a depraved, decadent dictator (say that three times fast), and hopefully make it home with their sanity intact. God help us all.
Web NC17
N: 4
S: 4
V: 0
L: 4
Ghastlys Ghastly Comic
Ghastlys Ghastly Comic

Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20010509

Pages %: 1.458
Number of Days: 113
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Cel Shaded Color, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Fourth Wall Breaching, Geek, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Magic Powers, TransGender, Modern Day(Present)
Language: English
Country: Ontario, Canada
Description: Tentacle monsters and the women who love them.
Web PG
V: 1
Go For It!
R. L. Peterson,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20011203

Pages %: 0.045
Number of Days: 246
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Idiots, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Modern Day(Present), High School, House
Language: English
Country: California, USA
Update Frequency: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Schedule
Description: Alex is not normal, despite how much he wishes otherwise. Besides from being taller than most people, smarter and more away than everyone else around him, he also has cat ears for no apparent reason. His sibling is an anthropomorphic tiger (also for no real reason or explination), and his friends are basically insane. From a driving test resulting in a carjacking by an escapee from "Happy-Valley Nut-House" to travelling to being forced to attend a Self-Esteem Camp, the insanity never ends. It's always funnier when it happens to someone else.
Web MA
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GraveRiver High
Last Update: 20030609
First Comic: 20001116

Pages %: 0.045
Number of Days: 75
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Infinite Canvas, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Undead, Relationships (Renai or ai), Morphing, Modern Day(Present), High School
Language: English
Country: British Columbia, Canada
Description: Welcome to the place with an unforgettable face! GraveRiver High, or GRH, is a school unlike any other. The students are everything from goths to wanna be's to the ever obnoxious Hommies...with a twist. It's not uncommon to see a firedancing drama queen, a geek serenading her tormentors, or a skid baying at the moon. The school itself is built on the bank of Grave River, which flows over what was once, a cemetery. It is expected to expect the unexpected in the Town of GraveRiver.
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Graveyard Studios
Last Update: 20030609
First Comic: 20021008

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 8
Comic Style: Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Cursed, Post-Civilization
Language: English
Web PG
N: 0
S: 0
V: 2
L: 3
The Honking
Aaron Cargill,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020206

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 18
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, GIF, Cartoon, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Part-furry
Language: English
Country: Australia
Update Frequency: Daily
Description: This is a comic about a time when hero's were born, legends were made, and men were, well, beaten up. This is basically a comic very loosely related to the events that unfold online in the IRC channels that I frequent.
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House of Bob
Xander Vieux,
Last Update: 20030527
First Comic: 20010630

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 130
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Aliens, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Geek, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Hammerspace, Morphing, SteamPunk, Space-faring, Hightech
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: Bob, the dustbunny, and his whacky and often neurotic friends live and work in a theatre company in an anthropomorphic, post-apocalyptic world. They have adventures (imgaine that!) but soemtimes its hard to tell if you're watching one of their Theatre productions or if this stuff is really happening to them... You just ahve to wait for the punchline!
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V: 4
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in black and white (and greyscale.)
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Infinite Canvas, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, SWF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Simple, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Fundamentalist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Hightech, Lowtech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Singapore
Description: Looking for webmanga related to the community? Then in black and white (and greyscale) is your refuge! Ivienne (Matteo) deMeanour is your typical Mage. A High Mage to be exact. She then realizes her godliness, and she is supposed to lead a guild called The League of Gods and Deities, as commanded by God! Watch her go through a series of events and dilemma as she tries so hard to live a life that has a big difference.
Web G
Ryan Dobie,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030609

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, Lesser Cute, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Aliens, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Modern Day(Present), Space-faring, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Canada
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L: 1
Inus Clan
Last Update: 20030624
First Comic: 20020925

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 18
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Idiots, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), Magic Powers, Morphing, Fantasy, Near Future, Space-faring, High School, College School, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Country: North America
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Emily Gillis,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020719

Pages %: 0.015
Number of Days: 141
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Relationships (Renai or ai), Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, High School
Language: English
Description: The adventures of a girl trapped in the affairs of a world in times of war and distress.
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L: 4
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030512

Pages %: 0.408
Number of Days: 305
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Monsters, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Religion, Death, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, TransGender, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Travel, Parallel Travel, Homeless
Language: English
Web MA
Kawaii Baka Boy
Last Update: 20030619
First Comic: 20030619

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Lesser Cute, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Demons, Ghosts, Geek, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy
Language: English
Country: Saskatchewan, Canada
Web MA
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V: 3
Laura Pierson,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020201

Pages %: 0.193
Number of Days: 165
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Realistic, Comic Book, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, Demons, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Fantasy
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: Cliche sounding as it is, Kelen is a high fantasy story that takes place on a world shaped like a bowl, and in a city where wielding magic is everything. It focuses in on a group of extraordinary people who don't appear quite as special as they should for their location. Serious stories with a lot of humor. Non manga even! (Not that manga is a bad thing.) Reader Quote: "It's ...a thing, y'know, with pictures and ..and a story.. and Joe! Gotta love Joe! "Who's Joe" know. ...Joe."
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Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030628

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Single Panel, Greyscale, CG - Flat Color, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, PNG, Comic Strip, Simple, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Undead, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Paranoid, Evil protagonists(main characters), Death, Hammerspace, Cursed, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Homeless, No tech
Language: English
Country: Antarctica
Update Frequency: Saturday, Weekly
Web MA
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Long Live Randomness
Geraldine Nonnewitz,
Last Update: 20030609
First Comic: 20030608

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: JPEG, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Demons, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Classic Magic, TransGender, Fantasy
Language: English
Web PG
Lunar Dream
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Cursed, Fantasy, Future, Time Travel, Homeless, Lowtech
Language: English, Polish
Country: Poland
Description: Imagine that world was created on giant sleeping dragon... What if dragon wants to wake up?
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Magus Ferox
Jennifer Ruebel,
Last Update: 20030520
First Comic: 20020714

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 31
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Religion, Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, SteamPunk, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Travel, No tech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Magus Ferox follows the adventures of a man who is part of a post-apocalyptic world where science and technology is forbidden and magic is being rediscovered. As the decendant of genetically enhanced soldiers from the technological age (Hybrids), Thalian is scorned by humanity, yet he cannot connect with those who are like him because there is no one left who remembers what the Hybrids truly are. Thalian's search for answers to the mystery of his past sets the wheels of Fate in motion and becomes a mission to save the world of Obarien from complete annihilation. "Our very existance warrants the oblivion of our entire universe..."
Web 14
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L: 2
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030614
Number of Days: 15
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Infinite Canvas, Visual Novel, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comic Book, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Demons, Single Visiblity, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, SteamPunk, Future, World of Ruin, Space-faring, Space Travel, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: A story too wild for words. Between all the love triangles, destruction, and chaos there is possiblility that there is something called "normal". The year is 4021. The Earth's humans are gone. The only who survived 18 years ago were those who were away from the Earth. Those collective of a thousand people on building constructions on the planets had figured the Earth to be gone after the "Peace Bringers" arrived. But when one man questions the seemingly obvious, he finds himself in a not so quite normal situation.
Web PG
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L: 1
R4R, Christine Cheng,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010420

Pages %: 0.004
Number of Days: 162
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Idiots, Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), House, Apartment
Language: English, Chinese(Traditional)
Country: Hong Kong
Description: This funny strip is about the lives of a couple and their friends and relatives. It is written and drawn by a lesbian who is attracted to the character Junjun the goat. The core is based on real life characters and most story lines are inspired by real life situations. This strip acts as a journal for Martin, R4R and Junjun, recording fun times and hilarious goofy scenes from their everyday lives.
Web G
The Ming Team,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20021110

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 34
Comic Style: Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Relationships (Renai or ai), Hammerspace, Magic Powers, Henshin/Transformation, Near Future, Parallel Travel, Job-hunter, College School, Apartment
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
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L: 2
Morys Education
Jessica Tuttle,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010914

Pages %: 0.290
Number of Days: 265
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, Cute, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, College School, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Washington (State), USA
Web G
N: 1
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V: 2
My Insanity
Sarah Smith,
Last Update: 20030624
First Comic: 20030612

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 5
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Flat Color, CG - Full shading, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), High School
Language: English
Country: Ohio, USA
Web G
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V: 2
L: 1
Mythos Zoion
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030109

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Elves, God/Demi-god, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), RoomMates, Mechanic, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, SteamPunk, No tech
Language: English
Country: Egypt
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V: 3
L: 0
Nahast - Lands of Strife
Alejandro Melchor,
Last Update: 20030606
First Comic: 20020906

Pages %: 0.037
Number of Days: 63
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy
Description: A world nearing the end of an Age, an empire that hangs in the balance on the fate of a single city as the gods wage war in the heavens. Nahast is a world based on Oriental and Prehispanic myth, with material that can be used in any fantasy role-playing game based on the d20 system (D&D 3e).
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The Nameless Story
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020929

Pages %: 0.027
Number of Days: 72
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Fantasy, Travel, RPG Game, Lowtech
Language: English
Description: Read the adventure of a group of travelers in their quest to defeat the three risen evils. Epic RPG comic. Warning, it has mild nudity.
Web 14
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New World
Joey Fanning,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20030609

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 15
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Undead, Demons, Robots, Androids, Relationships (Renai or ai), Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Near Future, World of Ruin, Travel, Time Travel, RPG Game, Homeless, Hightech
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: Thirteen years after the world nuked itself to death, heroes of the new west must put a curb on fear to weaken the supernatural forces that brought about the world's destruction. Brian Lance is a techno-shaman, who, whether he wants it or not, is about to become one such hero. With the aid of his fantastic machines, including the super-realistic android Nix, does Brian have any choice but to become a hero?
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L: 1
Okashina Okashi - Strange Candy
Okashina Okashi - Strange Candy

Emi, Kourin, and Tanzy,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20010116

Pages %: 1.256
Number of Days: 336
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Space-faring, Travel, Parallel Travel, High School, College School, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Texas, USA
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L: 2
One Hour Axis
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20000101

Pages %: 0.041
Number of Days: 446
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Visual Novel, Greyscale, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), Mechanic, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Future, Space-faring, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Hightech
Language: English
Country: United States
Update Frequency: Monday, Friday, Schedule
Description: In the mathmatical center of Hyperspace and Chronospace is the planet Karu; a huge world with hundreds of portals where creatures of any place and time can switch over. Think the mega intergalactic grand central station. But...on a world like this, in one hour's turning, all hell can break loose. When one alien femme lands on this planet, the strange factor is upped and the lives of the elves and other creatures there will never be the same. But in a good way...
Web PG
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V: 1
Lizabeth H,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20011227

Pages %: 0.009
Number of Days: 169
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Infinite Canvas, CG - Full shading, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, Lesser Cute, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Elves, Fourth Wall Breaching, Geek, Mechanic, Scientist, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, Gaming Comic, Private School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: a high school age catgirl, and her family & friends, gags with occasional plotlines and filler art. also magic elves and trekkie-techie guys.
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Pokemon: Sonic Edition
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, GIF, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, God/Demi-god, Fourth Wall Breaching, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Travel, Game Travel, In a Game
Language: English
Update Frequency: Daily
Web G
N: 3
V: 2
Rainbow Over the Moon
Jennifer Fletchero Castillo,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030617

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Single Panel, Infinite Canvas, Visual Novel, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Simple
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Monsters, Elves, God/Demi-god, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Fundamentalist, Religion, Death, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, TransGender, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Travel, Apartment, Hightech
Web G
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L: 3
Reality Twist
Craig Ferguson,
Last Update: 20030619
First Comic: 20030601
Number of Days: 19
Comic Style: Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Undead, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Fantasy, SteamPunk
Language: English
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V: 0
L: 4
The Realm of Kaerwyn
Kaerwyn Krew,
Last Update: 20030604
First Comic: 20021002

Pages %: 0.009
Number of Days: 90
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Realistic, Furry, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Robots, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Future, Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, RPG Game, Homeless, Hightech, Lowtech, No tech
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: Based on the Antics of an RP Chatroom, we bring you the etheric realm of Kaerwyn.
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L: 3
Roxy: Comic Book Superhero
Kiru Banzai,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20020529

Pages %: 0.006
Number of Days: 9
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Realistic, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Gag Comic, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Elves, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Classic Magic, Morphing, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), High School
Language: English
Web MA
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V: 2
L: 2
The Sense of Sanity
Vincent Schuerholz,
Last Update: 20030602
First Comic: 20010403

Pages %: 0.004
Number of Days: 36
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Undead, Single Visiblity, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Religion, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Modern Day(Present), House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Maryland, USA
Description: A Young Artist is about to find the sense of sanity as he spends a summer trapped in a Beach House with all the people he was trying to avoid.
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L: 3
Shonen Chikara
Heather and Megan,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20010105

Pages %: 0.086
Number of Days: 370
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Elves, God/Demi-god, Ghosts, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Henshin/Transformation, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Job-hunter, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: A comic about four young men summoned by an old, farting, obnoxious, and stinky old man to fight against Girl Power as Boy Power. Transforming into magical outfits, they must learn to fight together as well as live together. How do you do that with a "vampire," an anti-social scientist, a playboy, and a crossdressing singer?
Web NC17
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L: 2
The Sinner Dragon
The Sinner Dragon

Gilda 'Sans Souci' Rimessi,
Last Update: 20030620
First Comic: 20010501

Pages %: 0.367
Number of Days: 229
Comic Style: Single Panel, Two-tone, Comic Book
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Elves, Demons, Fantasy, Mechanical
R-Content: Culture - Positive
Country: Europe
Description: The story of a bunch of strange guys, living in a gloomy Fantasy World. An Half Dragon, a Werewolf, two twin elves with red hairs (and TERRIBLE attitude), and Vampires, Demons, One Eyed Bugs (with the hobby of sculpture) and... well, more... Updated every week (more or less...)
Web MA
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L: 3
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020925

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 8
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Elves, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), Allegorical, Death, Mechanic, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Space-faring, Travel, Parallel Travel, Gaming Comic, In a Game, RPG Game, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: Currently Dead. This comic was terminated when Keenspace moved, due to a DNS server error. This comic will be reposted later, under a similar name. 4 chapters total work - 1,2,3, epilogue. 1200+ pages, progressing from 1.
Web G
A Sorta Wonderland
jo tran,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030309

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 21
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Cute, Comic Strip, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Cursed, Fantasy, Travel
Language: English
Country: California, USA
Description: One very boring day alice meets a white rabbit....clock? Being her ever-curious self, she follows it into a very different kind of wonderland....I can't promise masterful storytelling, but I can guarantee enough cuteness to give u cavities ^^
Web 14
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L: 2
K W,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030527

Pages %: 0.004
Number of Days: 33
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek, RoomMates, Religion, Death, Magic Powers, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Apartment
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: A story about a guy named Steve and a demon named Hank. Welcome to Squaresville...
Web 14
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S: 1
V: 3
The Summoner
Last Update: 20030620
First Comic: 20030620

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, Undead, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Fantasy, Travel
Description: In the land of Harola legends have walked amongst the people, destiny has played out its course, and evils have been destroyed. To most people legends are exatly that, legends, but now Harola is in a time of peace, and everyone knows peace never lasts. It's time for one elf, who knows nothing of his true family, rise up and become a legend for all people to know.
Web 14
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L: 2
Tasoli on Rice
Krisanna McKellar,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20020522

Pages %: 0.009
Number of Days: 30
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, Parallel Travel
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Yaoumei turned half beast finds herself in a strange new land of the likes she's seen before with only the help of one friend by her side. Will she be able to remove herself from this land of dragons and magic and return to her normal body? Time will tell as your dive into Tasoli on Rice...
Web NC17
N: 4
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L: 4
Tha Pornstarr
Hobart Starr,
Last Update: 20030606
First Comic: 20020107

Pages %: 0.099
Number of Days: 64
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, JPEG, SWF, Comic Strip, Furry
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry
Language: English
Country: Norway
Description: A pornostarr gets superpowers from a mysterious head to defend enlightenment city from evil.
Web NC17
N: 4
S: 4
V: 4
L: 4
Toon Pimp's Palace
Hobart Starr,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20020303

Pages %: 0.088
Number of Days: 41
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, PNG, JPEG, GIF, SWF, Animated, Cartoon, Furry, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Idiots
Language: English
Country: Alabama, USA
Update Frequency: Monday, Wednesday
Description: Free Cartoon Pornography!!
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 1
Treasure Hunters
Seigneur Ruei,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020914

Pages %: 0.058
Number of Days: 192
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Demons, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Scientist, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Travel
Country: Québec (Province), Canada
Description: Follow the lives and adventures of a group of Treasure hunters in the humongous world of Fortissima.
Web 14
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V: 2
Kevin Renner,
Last Update: 20030615
First Comic: 20030615
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, GIF, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Single Visiblity, Classic Magic, Morphing, Modern Day(Present), High School
Language: English
Country: Minnesota, USA
Description: Welcome To My World A Ha ha ha ha ha.
Web PG
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V: 2
L: 1
Priscila Schilaro S Rosa,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020523

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 3
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, CG - Full shading, Lesser Cute, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, God/Demi-god, Undead, Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Cursed, Fantasy, Medival, Travel, Time Travel
Description: Having a contract with the Destiny may mean more that you have bargain for...
Web PG
N: 2
S: 1
V: 3
L: 3
Unknown Darkness
Setsuki Laura Collins,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20030615

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 3
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Infinite Canvas, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Undead, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Space-faring
Language: English
Country: United States
Web G
N: 0
S: 0
V: 2
L: 0
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020930

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 10
Comic Style: Visual Novel, Greyscale, Realistic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Geek, Allegorical, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Parallel Travel
R-Content: Culture - Positive
Web PG
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L: 0
Very Carefully
MinnieMay9 and DraconianGoddess,
Last Update: 20030426
First Comic: 20020410

Pages %: 0.011
Number of Days: 40
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Elves, Demons, Androids, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), RoomMates, Morphing, Fantasy, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 3
Video Game Addicts
Sean Lasocki,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20020403

Pages %: 0.061
Number of Days: 111
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Henshin/Transformation, Gaming Comic, High School, House
Language: English
Country: Illinois, USA
Web MA
Masurao Hoshihito - Taiga Tanima,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20011203

Pages %: 0.027
Number of Days: 81
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Simple, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), RoomMates, Mechanic, Scientist, Hammerspace, Morphing, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Alberta, Canada
Web G
N: 0
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V: 2
L: 0
The Volet
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20020320

Pages %: 0.010
Number of Days: 106
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Flat Color, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Fourth Wall Breaching, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Morphing, Fantasy, Gaming Comic, In a Game, RPG Game
Language: English
Country: Québec (Province), Canada
Update Frequency: Saturday
Description: Two years after the defeat of Kefka, the world is at peace...until they come! Dun dun dun!
Web G
N: 2
S: 0
V: 0
L: 1
Last Update: 20030609
First Comic: 20020927

Pages %: 0.013
Number of Days: 63
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Hand Drawn Image, Furry
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Animals, Morphing, Modern Day(Present), Elementary School
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Alice, a 10-year-old androgynous werewolf, deals with alternative religions, unrealistic gender roles, anal-retentive schoolteachers, annoying stepfamilies, creepy bunnies, haikus, bullfrogs, animalistic urges, homework, vegetarianism, philosophical argumentation, obsessive teenaged Wiccans, pudding, and trying to come to terms with a world that is not overly receptive to individualistic lycanthropes.
Web MA
N: 3
S: 3
L: 3
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20020420

Pages %: 0.177
Number of Days: 131
Comic Style: Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Monsters, Elves, Demons, Robots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Morphing, Fantasy, Space Travel, Hightech
Description: A cyborg warrior from Earth on a faraway planet filled with were-creatures travels across this rich fantasy world with three lycanthropic babes. Sand Cat,,Gazelle,and Dragon. Each with their own mission. Love,humor,hardship,fun,and ACTION!
Web 14
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L: 2
What Else Can Go Wrong?
Jessy Vermin,
Last Update: 20030617
First Comic: 20021011

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 29
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Infinite Canvas, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Scientist, Hammerspace, Magic Powers, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Travel, Parallel Travel, Job-hunter, High School, College School, Homeless, House, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: New York (State), USA
Description: a confusing little comic about a confused cast of characters who like cheese and hate....poopie? Just..don't ask......we're not sure ourself
Web G
Last Update: 20030529
First Comic: 20020521

Pages %: 0.011
Number of Days: 75
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Demons, Androids, Near Future, World of Ruin, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: An Angel kicked out of heaven for misconduct. A Demon who just wanted an easy life. A Genetically engineered cat soldier. A suicidal android who hates her body. An egotistical animatronic alien named Bob. Put them all together and what do you get? A crack special forces team, of course! Chapter 2 curently underway
Web 14
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The Wings Of Change
The Wings Of Change

Mari Rose,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010830

Pages %: 0.557
Number of Days: 230
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Ghosts, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Mechanic, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Cursed, Fantasy, SteamPunk, World of Ruin
Description: A surly minidragon with a "Tough guy" complex... A Half-Elvian ranger-wannabe girl. Several Hyperactive pixy orphans. Talking Trees and Critters. Gods. Scientists. Omens of disaster. Ancient wars and spells. Stir well, confuse, enjoy.
Web 14
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V: 0
L: 2
Words to be Spoken at User's Discretion
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020815

Pages %: 0.004
Number of Days: 35
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, GIF, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Simple, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Relationships (Renai or ai), Classic Magic, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), High School, House, Apartment
Language: English
Country: Colorado, USA
Description: It may be Mi Shen's last year in high school, but he find out the hard way that he still has things to learn when he's kicked off the roof one day by the girl of his dreams.
Web G
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V: 2
L: 0
World of Fizz
Robert M. Blake,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030602

Pages %: 0.010
Number of Days: 12
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Hand Drawn Image, GIF, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Modern Day(Present), Office, Elementary School, High School, House
Language: English
Description: Comic strip about a happy, well adjusted family trying not to kill each other. Written and drawn three times a week by Robert M. Blake.
Web MA
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V: 4
L: 4
Young and Violent
Rosie Zales,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030610

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Monsters, Elves, God/Demi-god, Demons, RoomMates, Cursed, Fantasy, Travel, House, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: United States
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 2
Zai Comics!
Michael Matarese,
Last Update: 20030604
First Comic: 20020829

Pages %: 0.002
Number of Days: 126
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, GIF, Anime/Manga, Sprite
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Ghosts, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Near Future, In a Game, RPG Game, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: New Jersey, USA
Description: The follow up to AngelWarrior Comics! It's funny, damnit, so read it or X will eat you.
Number of Comics on this page: 97/98 out of 8764 on KeenSpace
This page updated at 2003-06-29 9:01:04