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The main characters work in management and have to deal with the employees who are under them.
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bob's tavern
keaton homeyer,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020303

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 21
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, Comic Strip, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Fairies, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, RoomMates, Death, Scientist, Hammerspace, Modern Day(Present), Management, Job-hunter, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: a stick figure, a jobless bum, a mad scientist, and a bar. you figure it out.
Web 14
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Drivers Wanted
Shelby Healy,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030607

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 15
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Animals, Elves, Idiots, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), Support, Management, College School, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Texas, USA
Update Frequency: Random
Description: Fantasy beings in a modern world. Specifically a young elf who finds herself taking a most unlikely job as a pizza delivery driver. Join Starr along her passage into elven adulthood, and see what mysteries unfold.
Web PG
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Elie Hirschman,
Last Update: 20030626
First Comic: 20020214

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 86
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, Greyscale, CG - Flat Color, GIF, Comic Strip
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Office, Management, Hightech
Language: English
Country: New Jersey, USA
Description: ESH by ESH.. think Office Space meets Dirty Harry. It's just like your office... only with slightly less restraint.
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L: 2
Hotel Grim
Christopher Harrell,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020313

Pages %: 0.043
Number of Days: 187
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Animals, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Religion, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), Management, Homeless, No tech
Language: English
Description: Daily Life in the white landscape of Purgatory. Or if you prefer: A Skeleton, a Voodoo Doll, and a Pirate walk into a bar...
Web G
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L: 2
Insanity Plus
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020921

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 5
Comic Style: Cute, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Geek, Modern Day(Present), Management, House, Hightech
Web MA
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L: 4
The Lounge: Sexy, Cute, and Purrific!
The Lounge: Sexy, Cute, and Purrific!

John Joseco,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020601

Pages %: 1.422
Number of Days: 297
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Cute, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Modern Day(Present), Retail, Management, Apartment
Language: English
Description: Italy Ishida has her hands full running her father's shop with him in the hospital. Good thing she has help from her small statured assistant Max and a multitude of friends and weirdoes. Flesh wounds can happen, split sides most definitely and banana peels just won't cut it. So come on down and drop all your cash and quirks in one convenient stop!
Web PG
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Luther & Locke
Dick Page,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20011119

Pages %: 0.017
Number of Days: 333
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Fairies, Single Visiblity, Relationships (Renai or ai), Modern Day(Present), Retail, Management, High School
Language: English
Description: Luther & Locke is a humorous webcomic updated Monday through Friday. The strip is about the operation of a failing movie theater, particularly focusing on bitter projectionist Luther and the sardonic imaginary fairy Locke that follows him around. Other characters include stressed-out manager Mr. Hawkins, geeky ticket-tearer Dave, the chill cleaner known only as 'Froman', the "box-office-chick" who would rather be known as Ling, and French ladies man Jacques.
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Phil likes Tacos
Lord Andy B,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030111

Pages %: 0.020
Number of Days: 171
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, Comic Strip, Simple, Comedic
Comic Content: Psychosis, Geek, RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), Retail, Management, Apartment, Hightech
Web MA
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L: 4
Pinoy City
James Lim,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030624

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Visual Novel, Two-tone, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, GIF, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Paranoid, Geek, Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Patriotic, Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Support, Retail, Office, Management, High School, College School, House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Philippines
Update Frequency: Tuesday, Friday, Schedule
Web MA
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Post Sex Clean Up
Melissa Prosser,
Last Update: 20030621
First Comic: 20010309

Pages %: 0.819
Number of Days: 88
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Realistic, Manga, Drama
Comic Content: Psychosis, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Management, Hightech
R-Content: Culture - Positive
Description: A story of a girl who opens a fetish shop in her small town along with her friend, and their (mis)adventures in love, life, and sex. ~Warning, Manga/anime style, contains Hentai themes!~
Web MA
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J.P. Sloan,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010903

Pages %: 0.023
Number of Days: 146
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Idiots, Engineer, Modern Day(Present), Management
R-Content: (Neg)Tobacco, (Neg)Alcohol, (Neg)Drugs, (Neg)Gambling for Fun, (Neg)Gambling for Money, (Neg)Weapon Use(self-defence), (Neg)Weapon Use (lethal), (Neg)Bad Examples for children, (Neg)May disturb young children, (Neg)Discrimination/Harm to people, Culture - Positive
Country: Louisiana, USA
Description: A look into the lives of the poor schleps who work in a cabinet shop and millwork, where morons rule and dismemberment is commonplace.
Web PG
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Security's Finest
David P Hinkle,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030617

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Hand Drawn Image, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), Office, Management, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Pennsylvania, USA
Description: Well, maybe if you read the comic you wouldn't need a description dumb-ass. It's security at it's finest. Comic kicks off July 1, 2003.
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Stupid Melon Dumb Egg
Stupid Melon Dumb Egg

Alfred Twu,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20010719

Pages %: 0.029
Number of Days: 709
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Two-tone, Hand Drawn Color, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Patriotic, Engineer, Scientist, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Management, Apartment, Lowtech
Language: English, Chinese(Traditional)
Country: Taiwan
Description: An elected official, a government worker, and the bureaucratic-industrial complex.
Web PG
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Tashas World
Rhea Halter,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020707

Pages %: 0.027
Number of Days: 105
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, Realistic, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Animals, Relationships (Renai or ai), Classic Magic, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Management, Apartment
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Tasha's World, tales of a young urban witch and her friends. Witches are cool. AND she has a talking cat!
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Lei 'Pad' Telique,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20010627

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 21
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale
Comic Content: Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, RoomMates, Management
Language: English
Number of Comics on this page: 15/15 out of 8764 on KeenSpace
This page updated at 2003-06-29 9:01:04