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Comic takes place in the country/region of Finland.
Web NC17
N: 4
S: 4
V: 2
L: 4
Cat Cum Comics
Sebastian Laitila,
Last Update: 20030607
First Comic: 20030607

Pages %: 0.002
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, GIF, Lesser Cute, Furry, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Modern Day(Present), House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Finland
Web 14
N: 2
S: 3
V: 2
L: 2
Minding My Own Business
Rainer K. Koreasalo,
Last Update: 20030622
First Comic: 20010906

Pages %: 0.041
Number of Days: 257
Comic Style: Two-tone, Hand Drawn Image, GIF, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Relationships (Renai or ai)
Language: English
Country: Finland
Description: A man prone to fantasy, girls who want make those fantasies real. The complete guide to not taking what is offered.
Web G
N: 0
S: 0
V: 2
L: 1
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030309

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 18
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, CG - Full shading, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), Game Travel, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Finland
Number of Comics on this page: 3/3 out of 8764 on KeenSpace
This page updated at 2003-06-29 9:01:04