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For All the Commies
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030608

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 10
Comic Style: Hand Drawn Image, Animated, Gag Comic, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Relationships (Renai or ai), High School
Language: English
Country: United States
Web G
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V: 2
L: 1
Raptor Wolf Chick,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20021029

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 11
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Furry, Gag Comic, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Death, Engineer, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Space Travel, Game Travel, Job-hunter, Elementary School, High School, House, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Louisiana, USA
Description: Random Ramblings and pics from me!!!!
Web PG
Lunar Dream
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Cursed, Fantasy, Future, Time Travel, Homeless, Lowtech
Language: English, Polish
Country: Poland
Description: Imagine that world was created on giant sleeping dragon... What if dragon wants to wake up?
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 2
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030614
Number of Days: 15
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Infinite Canvas, Visual Novel, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Comic Book, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Demons, Single Visiblity, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, SteamPunk, Future, World of Ruin, Space-faring, Space Travel, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: A story too wild for words. Between all the love triangles, destruction, and chaos there is possiblility that there is something called "normal". The year is 4021. The Earth's humans are gone. The only who survived 18 years ago were those who were away from the Earth. Those collective of a thousand people on building constructions on the planets had figured the Earth to be gone after the "Peace Bringers" arrived. But when one man questions the seemingly obvious, he finds himself in a not so quite normal situation.
Web 14
Will Pesta,
Last Update: 20030624
First Comic: 20030622

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Infinite Canvas, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, CGI - 3D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, SWF, Animated, Realistic, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Modern Day(Present), Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: United States
Web PG
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L: 3
Colin Spence,
Last Update: 20030619
First Comic: 20010730

Pages %: 0.042
Number of Days: 571
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, SteamPunk, Near Future, Future, Game Travel, In a Game, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: New Jersey, USA
Description: Yet another Megaman sprite comic! Whee. Watch him explode things and be exploded, with sexy results. =P
Web MA
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Charlie Gomez,
Last Update: 20030613
First Comic: 20030613

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Animated, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Manga, Anime/Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Demons, Near Future
Language: English
Web PG
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V: 2
L: 3
swedish life
Last Update: 20030611
First Comic: 20020521

Pages %: 0.008
Number of Days: 60
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Lesser Cute, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Idiots, RoomMates, Modern Day(Present), Job-hunter, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Sweden
Description: a life in sweden? how could that be? follow three youngsters trying to cope with everyday life after graduation.
Web MA
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L: 4
They Call Me Phat Dragon
Sam Willis,
Last Update: 20030616
First Comic: 20020528

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 192
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, JPEG, Animated, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Demons, Robots, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Engineer, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster
Language: English
Country: New York (State), USA
Web PG
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L: 0
Jonathan Martin, Kristopher Lion,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20011119

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 291
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Modern Day(Present), High School, College School
Language: English
Country: Pennsylvania, USA
Description: New, on the Winter Solstice Network, a oldschool remake of life the way it used to be. We are a dying peoples, us mid-eighties-born children, and this manga/comic/whatever is our tool for battling fakeness and pop culture.
Web 14
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Aaron Reiser,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010606

Pages %: 0.017
Number of Days: 389
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Anime, Anime/Manga, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Undead, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Travel, College School, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: New York (State), USA
Description: The zen riddle that is Thwack: understood by few, enjoyed by fewer, and brings enlightenment to only a select few. Are you one of the few, the proud, the fan base?
Web NC17
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Toon Pimp's Palace
Hobart Starr,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20020303

Pages %: 0.088
Number of Days: 41
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, PNG, JPEG, GIF, SWF, Animated, Cartoon, Furry, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Idiots
Language: English
Country: Alabama, USA
Update Frequency: Monday, Wednesday
Description: Free Cartoon Pornography!!
Number of Comics on this page: 12/13 out of 8764 on KeenSpace
This page updated at 2003-06-29 9:01:04