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A comic that features Androids or Cyborgs. (Androids/Cyborgs that resemble humans.) Central or sub-theme only.
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21st Century Fox
Scott Kellogg,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 19990214

Pages %: 0.444
Number of Days: 644
Comic Style: CG - Full shading, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Robots, Androids, Relationships (Renai or ai), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Near Future, Travel, Hightech
Web PG
N: 0
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V: 2
L: 2
Action Guys
Last Update: 20030421
First Comic: 20021005

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 56
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, PNG, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Death, Morphing
Language: English
Country: Scotland, UK
Description: Join the Action Guys in their misadventures through the chaos that is my imagination. Maybe they'll get pizza, BUT MAYBE NOT! Who knows? Not me! :D
Web PG
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L: 2
Active Stupor Heroes
Jason Tucker,
Last Update: 20030404
First Comic: 20020911

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 16
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Monsters, Androids, RoomMates, Wish Fulfillment, Modern Day(Present)
Language: English
Country: Texas, USA
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L: 3
The Adventures of Milea
Michael Prokop,
Last Update: 20030624
First Comic: 20020521

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 31
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama
Comic Content: Part-furry, Aliens, Androids, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Future, Space-faring, Space Travel
Language: English
Country: California, USA
Description: Milea: Once an intellignece operative for an alien navy, she is now the Alliance's top spy. Follow her adventures as she works to keep the galaxy safe from the designs of alien armadas, pan-dimensional super-beings, and maniacal mad-man bent on universal armageddon!...... and yeah, I guess you couls say it is a furry manga, too.
Web G
All Wishes
Last Update: 20030422
First Comic: 20010929

Pages %: 0.139
Number of Days: 141
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, JPEG, Cute, Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, TransGender, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), High School, College School, House, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Norway
Description: uh...yeeessssss!
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Jason Brazeal,
Last Update: 20030520
First Comic: 20020505

Pages %: 0.013
Number of Days: 52
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Full shading, Cute, Comic Strip, Epic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Allegorical, Fundamentalist, Religion, Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Space Travel, Hightech
R-Content: (Neg)Tobacco, (Neg)Alcohol, (Neg)Drugs, (Neg)Gambling for Fun, (Neg)Gambling for Money, (Neg)Weapon Use(self-defence), (Neg)Weapon Use (lethal), (Neg)Bad Examples for children, (Neg)May disturb young children, (Neg)Discrimination/Harm to people
Country: Various places
Description: A comic about religion and the high cost of faith.
BlackCobra Comics
Daniel "BlackCobra" Gilbert,
Last Update: 20030514
First Comic: 20030514

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, PNG, GIF, Furry, Sprite, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Talking Animals, God/Demi-god, Demons, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Scientist, Classic Magic, SteamPunk, Future, Parallel Travel, Game Travel, Hightech
Language: English
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Case Sensitive
Gray Wolf,
Last Update: 20030505
First Comic: 20020211

Pages %: 0.006
Number of Days: 21
Comic Style: Infinite Canvas, CG - Full shading, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, Cartoon, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Medival, World of Ruin, Travel, Game Travel, In a Game, Lowtech
Country: North America
Web 14
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L: 4
Eric Barnes,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Future, Space-faring, Space Travel, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Missouri, USA
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L: 0
Crackling Silence
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20011104

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 160
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Two-tone, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Realistic, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Androids, Scientist, Near Future, Space-faring, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Germany
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L: 3
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20030625

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 3D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Aliens, Robots, Androids, Fantasy, Future, Space-faring, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Update Frequency: Sunday, Random
Description: Ok, the plan is this; the main character (Me-ish) get pulled through time and dumped way into the future, just y'know, as you do. Anyhoo, he goes about, building a life and the story follows him, that's the plan anyway. Ever read the book 'of mice and men'...?
Web G
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Afolabiyi Okubanjo,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20011104

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 47
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal
Comic Content: Androids, Psychosis, Future
Web PG
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V: 2
L: 2
Digital War
Digital War

Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020731

Pages %: 0.318
Number of Days: 135
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Full shading, Lesser Cute, Comedic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Idiots, Engineer, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Near Future, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: England, UK
Description: Without them, you wouldn't be seeing this. ISPs have too much power, and one man is sick of them. Them and their 2 hour disconnection and their 12 hour limit per day unlimited internet access. This is war.
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L: 1
Raptor Wolf Chick,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20021029

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 11
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Furry, Gag Comic, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), RoomMates, Death, Engineer, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Space Travel, Game Travel, Job-hunter, Elementary School, High School, House, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Louisiana, USA
Description: Random Ramblings and pics from me!!!!
Web PG
N: 2
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L: 1
Eclipse 16
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030615

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 7
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Infinite Canvas, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Robots, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Morphing, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Travel
Country: Canada
Description: World War Three has come and gone, and with it so have Operation Sunrise and Operation Eclipse; both were genetic experimentations created to win the war, and one to combat the other. The products of Sunrise and Eclipse were the Titans - human beings with the ability to manipulate the Elements. But neither operation was successful, as the Titans destroyed each other, and in the end WWIII was halted by the deployment of humanity's nuclear weapons... Now, in post-apocalyptic Neo-Earth, which has become a patchwork of highly technological cities and medieval colonies, the Titans have been reborn. And with the Titan of Chaos, created in the ages-gone Operation Eclipse, the same Hatred that destroyed the Titans of Old begins to boil once more. Gin Maranwe of the Hyandae en' Luhta Tribe has seen all of this in fleeting images in her dreams, and now sets out as the newly-reborn Titan of Air to combat the eternally-angry Titan of Chaos that has haunted her sleep for so long...
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Everything's Erratic
James Koch,
Last Update: 20030617
First Comic: 20030617

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, JPEG, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Travel, Time Travel, House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: A lack of drawing skills leads to one thing...Another sprite comic. This one takes place in the small town of Darkness Fa-- Wait, no it doesn't... ...Um, anyway, This comic takes place in a messed up world, where Bill Cosby isn't a has-been. Most of the events dont make sense, and don't connect to each other, but that's fine because...Everything's Erratic
Web MA
F.O.G.Club Adventure
Dennis Kanenwisher,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20010101

Pages %: 0.928
Number of Days: 890
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, Lesser Cute, Drama
Comic Content: Androids, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Allegorical, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Henshin/Transformation, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, College School, Dorms, Hightech
R-Content: Culture - Positive
Description: A fanboy, his best fanboy friend, his fangirl girlfriend, her nonfan best friend, an evil scientist and a psychopatic android. A group of college students in an epic story that spans all genre's.
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Femme Fatale
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020220
Number of Days: 212
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Hand Drawn Color, Hand Drawn Image, Realistic, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Future, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Update Frequency: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Schedule
Web MA
File Not Found
Derick Eisenhardt,
Last Update: 20030618
First Comic: 19991201

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 22
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Simple, Comedic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), RoomMates, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Game Travel, Gaming Comic, In a Game, Retail, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Mississippi, USA
Description: A weird random comic. We have no real structure or main characters....although we do have some reoccuring ones. There will be alot of video game references and well as other pop and alternative medias. Maybe even...gulp...political stuff here and there. Not only is the subject matter random but so is our posting schedule. This is just a hobby, and will probably even be 1/50th of what Penny Arcade and the like are. Anyway, I hope you like it... -Zephyr
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Final Fantasy Legacy
Dwight Braford,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20030524

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 23
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Comic Book, Anime/Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Monsters, God/Demi-god, Androids, Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, Game Travel, Gaming Comic, In a Game, RPG Game, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Ohio, USA
Description: Final Fantasy Legacy ~ coming soon to
Web 14
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From The Margin
Kevin Levy,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030610

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 3D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Cursed, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Future, Space-faring, Space Travel, Private School, Homeless, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Texas, USA
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V: 4
L: 3
in black and white (and greyscale.)
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Infinite Canvas, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, SWF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Simple, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Fundamentalist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Hightech, Lowtech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: Singapore
Description: Looking for webmanga related to the community? Then in black and white (and greyscale) is your refuge! Ivienne (Matteo) deMeanour is your typical Mage. A High Mage to be exact. She then realizes her godliness, and she is supposed to lead a guild called The League of Gods and Deities, as commanded by God! Watch her go through a series of events and dilemma as she tries so hard to live a life that has a big difference.
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IO2 : The Jack Rabbit Chase
Jermaine Steven Clarke,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030612

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Realistic, Pseudo-Manga, Drama
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Near Future, Future, Hightech
Language: English
Country: England, UK
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Jane Kennedy PI
Last Update: 20030626
First Comic: 20020529

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 19
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, GIF, Realistic, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), RoomMates, Death, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Future, Post-Civilization, Job-hunter, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: England, UK
Update Frequency: Sunday, Thursday, Schedule
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L: 3
Jed and Dark
Justin Johnson,
Last Update: 20030620
First Comic: 20020305
Number of Days: 170
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, PNG, Cartoon, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, SteamPunk
Language: English
Country: Norway
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Jeff Kyle Jr,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020228

Pages %: 0.006
Number of Days: 178
Comic Style: Greyscale, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, Comic Strip, Comedic
Comic Content: Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Modern Day(Present)
Language: English
Country: New Jersey, USA
Description: Jersey is one of those true-to-life comics. Granted, that's if you ignore the stuff like bunny ear revenge and a cute girl robot. A basic look into life in New Jersey. (Note: Comic rarely deals with New Jersey, aside from the name)
Web PG
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L: 1
Jinko No
Last Update: 20030617
First Comic: 20020610

Pages %: 0.012
Number of Days: 72
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Geek, Relationships (Renai or ai), Mechanic, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Near Future, High School, College School, House, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Washington (State), USA
Description: An original online-only manga written by Jonah Gregory (spambot of and illustrated by Alexander Ponce ( The tale of Dennis Lincoln, assistant-teacher who is pulled into a strange adventure from trying to help out some of his students.
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Joe and Pip
Shaolin Dave,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010910

Pages %: 0.043
Number of Days: 256
Comic Style: Sprite
Comic Content: Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Religion, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Fantasy, Parallel Travel, RPG Game
Language: English
Country: Colorado, USA
CJ Lee,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030611

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 11
Comic Style: Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Elves, Demons, Androids, Cursed, SteamPunk, World of Ruin
Language: English
Update Frequency: Random
Description: What happens when you fowl up a difficult robbery and kind of...uh...make the key mistake of swallowing the artifact? ^_^; Trouble, of course!!!
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Killing Time
Alex Lubinski,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020218

Pages %: 0.055
Number of Days: 102
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Aliens, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Idiots, Geek, RoomMates, Engineer, Scientist, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Fantasy, Modern Day(Present), Future, World of Ruin, Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Game Travel, Sports, Gaming Comic, College School, House, Apartment, Dorms, Hightech, Lowtech, No tech, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: California, USA
Update Frequency: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Daily
Description: Join a few crazy college kids as they adventure their way through college... partying, studying hard, and ending up in impossible situations are the norm for these guys. werd.
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L: 1
The Kushami Project
James Lopez and Anthony DeBoer,
Last Update: 20030616
First Comic: 20020224

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 54
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Anime, Comedic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Paranoid, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Hammerspace, Henshin/Transformation, Near Future, Travel, Sports, College School, Apartment, Hightech
R-Content: Culture - Positive
Description: A comic about a young man who builds a robot, or two.
Link to the Boards
Josh Coffin,
Last Update: 20030624
First Comic: 20020519

Pages %: 0.011
Number of Days: 164
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Full shading, Cartoon
Comic Content: Androids, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Religion, Mechanic, Magic Powers, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Hightech
Description: The internet! Lovely isn't it? What if you were accidentally transported to a universe that copies the Internet? Websites as planets, Stars as domains... That's what happened to the people in this comic! They live in the forums, trying to find a way home. They are known as the "Boardies".
Web PG
Lunar Dream
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Cute, Lesser Cute, Realistic, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Cursed, Fantasy, Future, Time Travel, Homeless, Lowtech
Language: English, Polish
Country: Poland
Description: Imagine that world was created on giant sleeping dragon... What if dragon wants to wake up?
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L: 1
Man-Man Comics
James Duncan & Matt Shepherd,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20010309

Pages %: 0.051
Number of Days: 791
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Greyscale, PNG, JPEG, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Monsters, Androids, Idiots, Scientist, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Update Frequency: Daily
Description: Welcome to Fun City, and the adventures of Man-Man...the victim of a bite by a radioactive man, he uses the proportionate strength, speed and agility of an average human to fight CRIME! Well, sort of. Together with Paul, his reluctant sidekick, psychotic Belgian butler Frenchy and "evil clone" Garth, Man-Man fights crime with hilarity!
Web G
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030618

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Sprite
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Future
Language: English
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L: 1
Al Schroeder,
Last Update: 20030601
First Comic: 20030513

Pages %: 0.064
Number of Days: 54
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Full shading, Realistic, Comic Book, Drama
Comic Content: Androids, Idiots, Geek, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Hammerspace, Henshin/Transformation, Modern Day(Present), Travel, Retail, Apartment, Hightech
R-Content: Culture - Promotion
Country: Georgia, USA
Description: A super hero(ine) story, done absolutely straight---and hoping to do for the mentally disabled what Daredevil does for the blind, Prof. X for the wheelchair-bound, etc. A modern Athena, as Flash is a modern Mercury, Superman a modern Hercules, etc.
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Mugen Crosswires
Last Update: 20030604
First Comic: 20020601

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 145
Comic Style: Single Panel, PNG, GIF, Cute, Comic Strip, Anime
Comic Content: Furries, Androids, Idiots, Paranoid, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Gaming Comic, In a Game, RPG Game
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L: 2
Cody Loden,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 1
Comic Style: Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Aliens, Robots, Androids, Idiots, Time Travel, Space Travel, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Wisconsin, USA
Web G
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V: 2
L: 0
Screwball McGoo [gDC],
Last Update: 20030502
First Comic: 20000601

Pages %: 0.019
Number of Days: 416
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, CG - Flat Color, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Animals, God/Demi-god, Demons, Robots, Androids, Geek, Death, Cursed, Modern Day(Present), Hightech
Language: English
Country: New Jersey, USA
Web PG
N: 0
S: 0
V: 2
L: 0
Simon Shepherd,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020722

Pages %: 0.008
Number of Days: 130
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, PNG, Cartoon, Comedic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Androids, Classic Magic, Morphing, Cursed, High School
Language: English
Country: Ohio, USA
Description: Something involving a guy, a girl, a wicked sorceress, a robot, and the occasional expendable side character. The staff also gets involved and has their own plot twists, too.
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 3
New World
Joey Fanning,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20030609

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 15
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Undead, Demons, Robots, Androids, Relationships (Renai or ai), Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Near Future, World of Ruin, Travel, Time Travel, RPG Game, Homeless, Hightech
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: Thirteen years after the world nuked itself to death, heroes of the new west must put a curb on fear to weaken the supernatural forces that brought about the world's destruction. Brian Lance is a techno-shaman, who, whether he wants it or not, is about to become one such hero. With the aid of his fantastic machines, including the super-realistic android Nix, does Brian have any choice but to become a hero?
Web 14
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L: 3
None More Comic
B. Russell,
Last Update: 20030623
First Comic: 20001208

Pages %: 0.054
Number of Days: 332
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Comic Strip, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Aliens, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, RoomMates, Magic Powers, Henshin/Transformation, Modern Day(Present), Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Country: New York (State), USA
Description: Satire, comics, music, life. In that order. None More Comic is an off-beat humor webzine that features a weekly full-color comic, stories and articles, music, and links to interesting sites.
Web 14
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L: 3
Occasional Comics
Last Update: 20030604
First Comic: 20020115

Pages %: 0.002
Number of Days: 92
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Anime/Manga, Simple, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Classic Magic, Morphing, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Game Travel, Gaming Comic, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: 42. That's all there is to say, really.
Web MA
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V: 3
L: 2
One Hour Axis
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20000101

Pages %: 0.041
Number of Days: 446
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Visual Novel, Greyscale, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Comic Book, Anime, Pseudo-Manga, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Androids, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Evil protagonists(main characters), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), Mechanic, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Fantasy, SteamPunk, Future, Space-faring, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Hightech
Language: English
Country: United States
Update Frequency: Monday, Friday, Schedule
Description: In the mathmatical center of Hyperspace and Chronospace is the planet Karu; a huge world with hundreds of portals where creatures of any place and time can switch over. Think the mega intergalactic grand central station. But...on a world like this, in one hour's turning, all hell can break loose. When one alien femme lands on this planet, the strange factor is upped and the lives of the elves and other creatures there will never be the same. But in a good way...
Web 14
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L: 3
The Orange Arrow
Gus Argueta, Justin Holmes,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20030124

Pages %: 0.006
Number of Days: 39
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Infinite Canvas, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Simple, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Death, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, Post-Civilization, World of Ruin, Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, Space Travel, Game Travel, Gaming Comic, In a Game, Office, High School, College School, Hightech, Lowtech, No tech, Mechanical
Language: English, Spanish
Country: Canada
Description: The Orange Arrow is anything you can think of or don't want to think of. There are no central stories and at most story arcs span 2 or 3 strips. Fresh and creative, The Orange Arrow is a welcome change of pace from all of the poorly drawn anime and comics where two hipsters have back and forth witty banter.
Web PG
N: 0
S: 1
V: 2
L: 1
Out of this World
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020406

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 127
Comic Style: PNG, GIF, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: Androids, Idiots, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Classic Magic, SteamPunk, Near Future, Parallel Travel, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 2
Jon Spengler,
Last Update: 20030621

Pages %: 0.001
Number of Days: 34
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Relationships (Renai or ai), Death, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), Parallel Travel, Job-hunter, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: United States
Update Frequency: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Schedule
Web MA
N: 3
S: 3
V: 3
L: 4
Pinoy City
James Lim,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20030624

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Visual Novel, Two-tone, CG - Flat Color, Hand Drawn Image, GIF, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Paranoid, Geek, Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Patriotic, Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Support, Retail, Office, Management, High School, College School, House, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Philippines
Update Frequency: Tuesday, Friday, Schedule
Web 14
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20020510

Pages %: 0.002
Number of Days: 151
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, PNG, Sprite, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Fundamentalist, Religion, Patriotic, Death, Mechanic, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Cursed, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Mechanical
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
Description: A comic that follows the adventures of a group of idiots, half-wits and psychotic gods. It's a sprite comic, and has friends that accept its choice of lifestyle. Don't hate it because it's beautiful.
Web PG
N: 0
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V: 2
L: 3
Colin Spence,
Last Update: 20030619
First Comic: 20010730

Pages %: 0.042
Number of Days: 571
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, PNG, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Sprite, Comedic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Evil protagonists(main characters), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, SteamPunk, Near Future, Future, Game Travel, In a Game, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: New Jersey, USA
Description: Yet another Megaman sprite comic! Whee. Watch him explode things and be exploded, with sexy results. =P
Web MA
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V: 0
L: 4
The Realm of Kaerwyn
Kaerwyn Krew,
Last Update: 20030604
First Comic: 20021002

Pages %: 0.009
Number of Days: 90
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Realistic, Furry, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Part-furry, Talking Animals, Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Robots, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, Cursed, Fantasy, Medival, SteamPunk, Future, Space-faring, Travel, Time Travel, Parallel Travel, RPG Game, Homeless, Hightech, Lowtech, No tech
Language: English
Country: Other (Unspecified)
Description: Based on the Antics of an RP Chatroom, we bring you the etheric realm of Kaerwyn.
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 3

space coyote,
Last Update: 20030625
First Comic: 20020201

Pages %: 1.182
Number of Days: 145
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Manga, Epic
Comic Content: Animals, Aliens, Elves, Robots, Androids, Idiots, Paranoid, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Girl/Girl relationships (Yuri or Shoujo-ai), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Future, Hightech
Update Frequency: Sunday, Wednesday, Schedule
Description: saturnalia: The reverse of social order -- when slaves give orders to their masters. Chaos. A comedy sci-fi manga with action, drama, philosophy, crazy bishounen, a bastard protagonist, and a guy who wears pieces of his dead dog! ......Just try it.
Web 14
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L: 2
Amanda Stenquist,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030612

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 9
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, GIF, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Pseudo-Manga, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Androids, Relationships (Renai or ai), Mechanic, Magic Powers
Language: English
Country: Massachusetts, USA
Description: What would you do if everything you knew was a lie. If you suddenly found yourself in a entirely new world. Well tough, this isn't about you! It's about two kids from boston who find themselves in that very situation. Enjoy!
Web PG
N: 0
S: 0
V: 2
L: 2
Simons World
Simon Strauss,
Last Update: 20030607
First Comic: 20010906

Pages %: 0.008
Number of Days: 109
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Pseudo-Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama
Comic Content: Aliens, Monsters, Undead, Demons, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Geek, Mechanic, Engineer, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Parallel Travel, High School, College School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: It's Simonsworld, where the wacky meets the bizzare and parties with the utterly unexplainable!
Web MA
N: 3
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V: 3
L: 4
Robert Kalin,
Last Update: 20030628
First Comic: 20001030

Pages %: 0.021
Number of Days: 238
Comic Style: Single Panel, CGI - 3D Computer Generated Image, JPEG, GIF, Realistic, Furry, Drama
Comic Content: Furries, Androids, Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Scientist, TransGender, House, Hightech
Description: Mist enshrouded, the floating island of SmithStone houses a curio of characters. Incomplete memories, disturbed lives, and entrapment on the island forces a multitude of personal issues. Here they reside the abducted members of SmithStone. Watch the images & read the story.- Rendered in computer generated 3d imagery this story is written and 'drawn' by Robert Kalin.
Web 14
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L: 2
Sprites and Sprites
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030620

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 10
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, PNG, Sprite, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: Talking Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Travel, Parallel Travel, Game Travel
Language: English
Country: Canada
Update Frequency: Daily
Description: Sprites and Sprites is here!
Web MA
N: 1
S: 1
V: 3
L: 1
Stalag '99
Kelly 'STrRedWolf' Price,
Last Update: 20030524
First Comic: 19990905

Pages %: 0.065
Number of Days: 355
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale, CG - Flat Color, JPEG, GIF, Realistic, Comic Strip, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Epic
Comic Content: Furries, Aliens, God/Demi-god, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Hammerspace, Morphing, Future, Space-faring, Space Travel, College School, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Maryland, USA
Description: A furry Dr Who, were it not for the radicals who think hermaphrodites are sex sluts. Join WolfSkunk RedWolf and hir companion Sandra Felis, as they get swept into problems that only they can solve successfuly without the sexual innuendo.
Web 14
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L: 1
The Super Chad Adventures
Michael Florian,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030428

Pages %: 0.005
Number of Days: 197
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, Lesser Cute, Comedic
Comic Content: Monsters, Undead, Demons, Ghosts, Robots, Androids, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Cursed, TransGender, Modern Day(Present), Travel, Parallel Travel
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: Ranging from the silly to the grossly insane, the Super Chad Adventures is about life, love, and the pursuit of Gold. Well, not really. But I think you'll like it anyway. P.S. Watch out for Steves.
Web PG
N: 0
S: 1
V: 2
L: 2
Tales from Planet Z (home of WARPZONE: think within the cube!)
Matt Garner,
Last Update: 20030401
First Comic: 20020315

Pages %: 0.018
Number of Days: 137
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Hand Drawn Color, Cute, Lesser Cute, Comic Strip, Cartoon, Comic Book, Pseudo-Manga, Furry, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Talking Animals, Animals, Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Relationships (Renai or ai), Married (Main characters), Mechanic, Scientist, Hammerspace, Henshin/Transformation, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Future, In a Game, Support, Retail, House, Apartment, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Description: Welcome to Planet Z! A comic series like no other! ... well, okay, maybe I'm exaggerating there. Anyway, "Tales from Planet Z" is actually a conglomeration of comic series created by the twisted minds of the brothers Matt and Seth Garner. The currently running storylines are "WARPZONE: think within the cube" which follows the lives of the well-known Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros. characters as their worlds collide via the SEGA/Nintendo merger; and "The Zelda Chronicles" which is sort of a Legend of Zelda meets Samurai Jack gone horribly, horribly awry. (Spritecomics soon to be replaced by an original hand-drawn series, so stay tuned! ^_^)
Web MA
N: 2
S: 2
V: 1
L: 0
Tangs Comics
Tang Ho,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 19970707

Pages %: 0.513
Number of Days: 319
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, Comic Strip, Manga, Gag Comic, Comedic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Mechanic, Scientist
Language: English
Description: Since 1997. Random gags. I bet I'll still drawing web-comic when my current readers move on to other interesting stuffs
Web 14
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V: 3
L: 2
Aaron Reiser,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20010606

Pages %: 0.017
Number of Days: 389
Comic Style: Single Panel, Multiple Panel Horizontal, JPEG, GIF, Animated, Anime, Anime/Manga, Sprite, Gag Comic, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Undead, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Single Visiblity, Psychosis, Idiots, Geek, Evil protagonists(main characters), Relationships (Renai or ai), Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Hammerspace, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Wish Fulfillment, Morphing, Henshin/Transformation, SteamPunk, Modern Day(Present), Near Future, Travel, College School, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: New York (State), USA
Description: The zen riddle that is Thwack: understood by few, enjoyed by fewer, and brings enlightenment to only a select few. Are you one of the few, the proud, the fan base?
Web PG
N: 0
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V: 2
L: 2
Kristin Harris,
Last Update: 20030620
First Comic: 20020922

Pages %: 0.002
Number of Days: 30
Comic Style: CG - Flat Color, PNG, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Gag Comic
Comic Content: Androids, Geek, Morphing, Modern Day(Present), Gaming Comic, High School, Hightech
Language: English
Country: United States
Description: Another gaming comic, well, and some other stuff too. Just whatever I feel like drawing. But it's written and drawn by a girl, so that's different!
Web PG
N: 0
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V: 2
L: 1
Tsunami Channel
Akira Hasegawa,
Last Update: 20030626
First Comic: 20010722

Pages %: 2.822
Number of Days: 555
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Vertical, Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Demons, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Scientist, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Magic Powers, Modern Day(Present), High School, College School, Private School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Japan
Web MA
N: 1
S: 2
V: 3
L: 3
Turn Me On
Jessica Lynn Hale,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20020301

Pages %: 0.007
Number of Days: 29
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Relationships (Renai or ai), RoomMates, Mechanic, Scientist, Henshin/Transformation, TransGender, College School, Dorms, Hightech
Language: English
Update Frequency: Friday, Schedule
Description: A story about a boy who lives in a frat house run by his older brother, robots, world domination from an underground empire, and perversion.
Web 14
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V: 1
L: 2
Umlaut House
Allan Christopher Ecker,
Last Update: 20030627
First Comic: 20000815

Pages %: 0.160
Number of Days: 267
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Greyscale, JPEG, GIF, Lesser Cute, Cartoon, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Furries, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Geek, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), Relationships (Renai or ai), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Near Future, College School, House, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Washington (State), USA
Update Frequency: Tuesday, Friday, Fixed Schedule
Web 14
N: 2
S: 4
V: 3
L: 3
Unseen Fate
Joel Derrick,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030629

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 4
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Horizontal, Multiple Panel Page, JPEG, Pseudo-Manga, Comedic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Androids, Fourth Wall Breaching, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Classic Magic, Magic Powers, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Canada
Update Frequency: Daily
Web 14
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V: 2
L: 2
Unstable Mana
Blair Beauchesne,
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030625

Pages %: 0.000
Number of Days: 2
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Greyscale, Cartoon
Comic Content: Animals, Aliens, Monsters, Elves, Fairies, God/Demi-god, Undead, Demons, Robots, Androids, Psychosis, Idiots, Paranoid, Geek, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Swordbunny/Swordmaster, Morphing, Fantasy, Near Future, High School, Hightech, Lowtech
Language: English
Country: Ontario, Canada
Description: Unstable Mana is a comic, about a normal group of high school students. Twist is, the characters are normal atleast in the setting, the high school isn't. In this high school, minotaurs shove people into lockers. And other fantasy races are a normal sight. Of course since the the cast are mostly human, or super human, they get into some crazy situations.
Web PG
N: 2
S: 0
V: 2
L: 0
Very Carefully
MinnieMay9 and DraconianGoddess,
Last Update: 20030426
First Comic: 20020410

Pages %: 0.011
Number of Days: 40
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, GIF, Cute, Lesser Cute, Manga, Anime/Manga, Furry, Comedic
Comic Content: Part-furry, Animals, Elves, Demons, Androids, Boy/Boy relationships (Yaoi or Shounen-ai), RoomMates, Morphing, Fantasy, Apartment, Hightech
Language: English
Web PG
Brutal Instruments
Last Update: 20030629 Today!
First Comic: 20030626
Number of Days: 58
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Page, Multiple Panel Manga, Two-tone, Greyscale, Hand Drawn Color, CG - Flat Color, CG - Cel Shaded Color, CG - Full shading, Hand Drawn Image, CGI - 2D Computer Generated Image, PNG, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Anime, Manga, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Drama, Epic
Comic Content: Robots, Androids, Psychosis, Married (Main characters), Allegorical, Death, Mechanic, Engineer, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Near Future, Post-Civilization, Hightech
Language: English
Update Frequency: Sunday
Web G
N: 1
S: 0
L: 4
Waffle X
Robert Luckett,
Last Update: 20030507
First Comic: 20010919

Pages %: 0.022
Number of Days: 99
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, JPEG, Anime/Manga, Comedic, Epic
Comic Content: God/Demi-god, Robots, Androids, Idiots, Scientist, Gunbunny/Gunmaster, Morphing, Modern Day(Present), High School, College School
Language: English
Country: England, UK
Description: Waffle X, featuring a teenage boy his potato waffle guardian, a babe with gigantic...wings, a kung-fu karate queen named after a storage medium and a slutty bio-android in red latex. *Ahem*
Web PG
N: 1
S: 1
V: 3
L: 1
Justin Pearce,
Last Update: 20030606
First Comic: 20010706

Pages %: 0.003
Number of Days: 67
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Comic Book Page, CG - Cel Shaded Color, Hand Drawn Image, JPEG, Anime
Comic Content: Aliens, Monsters, God/Demi-god, Robots, Androids, Idiots, Pretty Girls(Bishoujo), Pretty Boys(Bishonen), Relationships (Renai or ai), Modern Day(Present), Game Travel, Hightech
Language: English
Country: North America
Description: Web Marines: keeping y0r box safe, one site at a time...
Web G
Last Update: 20030529
First Comic: 20020521

Pages %: 0.011
Number of Days: 75
Comic Style: Multiple Panel Manga, Greyscale, JPEG, Lesser Cute, Pseudo-Manga
Comic Content: Part-furry, Demons, Androids, Near Future, World of Ruin, Hightech
Language: English
Country: Various places
Description: An Angel kicked out of heaven for misconduct. A Demon who just wanted an easy life. A Genetically engineered cat soldier. A suicidal android who hates her body. An egotistical animatronic alien named Bob. Put them all together and what do you get? A crack special forces team, of course! Chapter 2 curently underway
Number of Comics on this page: 72/73 out of 8764 on KeenSpace
This page updated at 2003-06-29 9:01:04